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RE: How To Make Soap Using Fresh Herbs Instead Of Essential Oil
in comment one you claimed to be a disable veteran and in comment two you claimed not to be... so why wont you answer the question asked? your id does NOT answer the question asked...
It is quite clear Ryan.
I was hurt while serving.
But I never made a claim.
Very simple really.
Anyone can understand how simple it is.
If you were hurt why not make a claim?
so the second comment of you claiming you are not disabled is the lie then...
@fixedbydoc.............. lets not belittle the soft bone disease he contracted from sitting inside the irradiated armor of an abrahams a1 tank , never mind it has been proven over and over time and again the there is no way that radiation leakage from the armor isn't possible . The only soft bone diesease he has is cranial , he suffers from a soft skull that impaired his mental development when he was an infant and small child . HENCE WHY HE NEVER HAD ANY FRIENDS GROWING UP , ALWAYS HAD A HARD TIME INTERACTING WITH OTHERS , AND WAS MORE THAN LIKELY THE REASON HE ATTENDED A SOCIAL AND MENTAL DEVELOPMENTAL SCHOOL WHEN HE WAS A CHILD .
@jessiescott i sent a you copy of the video i made discussing the soft bones disease issue as well. i think you will enjoy the video because it is loaded with researchable facts...
I did not register for disability.
Different things Ryan.
not about you registering for disabilty troy. the first comment you claim you ARE disabled and in the second comment you claim you are NOT disabled. so which one is the lie? are you or are you not disabled because you made BOTH CLAIMS... you really need to learn to comprehend what you read better.
That was in response to such nonsense comments like you are writing now.
I never made any claims on video Ryan. You take things out of context.
I do not make any claims on my videos Ryan.
My videos are about homesteading.
Not about my VA status.
It has NOTHING to do with homesteading.
Now get off my blog.
@thediyworld. So the DIY video where you were bouncing on the birthing ball was about "homesteading"??
Ahhh, I don't think so!
@thediyworld it is only nonsense to you when it proves you lied...
But your videos have little to no relation to homesteading. Most are whining and begging and promises that things will change and improve and begging us not to leave you. Your gardening skills are totally wacko and your idea of providing fire wood for your shack in the extreme cold of northern Michigan then running out in mid December and no, zero, nada shots of deer you killed but tons of footage of a bedini motor that has proved a waste of time over the years and now your faithful followers are rebelling about you dragging the bedini back into your videos. Nothing you do is homesteading.
Yes I understand. You filed a fraudulent claim and the VA saw right through it. It isn't lost it was tossed into the trash. I true veteran would not just take that for an excuse and walk away. But you want us to believe you were hurt sleeping with the chaplain in the love nest you built in the back of the hummer? No wonder they didn't believe you.
sounds like he did, it was reviewed and found to be fraudulent. Now he claims they lost the paperwork. Yeah that happens