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RE: What Does LedgerX Mean for Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Awesome post, thanks for explaining this all.

I'm both excited and nervous for LedgerX.

On one hand, I think it will bring crypto as a whole closer to the mainstream spotlight, which (selfishly) will increase the value of my holdings and (selflessly) be good for the crypto community as a sign of validation that allows widespread adoption to occur faster.

On the other hand..

I'm nervous because this threatens the very appeal that dragged me into crypto in the first place. I know there are already big market makers manipulating prices, but when LedgerX launches the real puppet masters will be able to start manipulating. The capital that some of these companies can throw into crypto could increase entire coin market caps by a significant percent.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Curious, with LedgerX coming are you guys eager to increase your crypto holdings?