What Does LedgerX Mean for Bitcoin?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The LedgerX derivatives platform is going to launch most likely this month and with it brings many exciting possibilities to who and what amount/kind of investment comes into bitcoin. If you are unaware LedgerX is a derivatives platform run in accordance and within legal status of the CFTC. This means that it creates a legal way for big firms to trade and bet on the future of bitcoin. Were not talking small amounts, but were talking Wall Street levels of money.

Most firms that will partake in trades with LedgerX need at least 10 million in assets in order to trade. In addition this allows family offices to partake with over 10 million in assets as well, so rich people looking to store their money elsewhere. Instead of having the physical bitcoin they will be able to trade through a legal entity as ledgerX. For many people this might be the turning point for them at which point they would invest into the currency. For the same reason the ETF would reach out to people who don’t want to hold their own coins, LedgerX will do the same.

Were talking about potential amounts of money that we only dreamed of up until this point, because in all reality, its hard to imagine the amount of institutional money out there. Even if the average consumer is never able to purchase bitcoin, Wall Street still hasn’t been able to either. Everyone who is here today is still in before Wall Street and other big institutions. Valuations that might have seemed crazy a few years ago might be possible in the next few. After creating a route like LedgerX for big money to enter, things could get crazy very quickly.

Perhaps the most important thing about LedgerX is the potential for it to become the building block for an eventual ETF. In the Winklevoss denial the biggest complaint was there wasn’t a good price discovery mechanism that was regulated, but now there will be. If that happens your parents or grandparents could simply buy an ETF from any brokerage like they would a stock.

LedgerX could end up being a game changer in the way that people acquire coins, especially big institutional money or potential governments. This might revolutionize the game and change it for the better. This is something I personally have been waiting for and I am excited to see its here. Now all we have to do is wait for trading to take place.

Thanks to @Elyaque for the badges


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Excellent post. With all this money coming into the market, do you believe that this would lead to a decrease in volatility?

Great post and very informative. So, it seems that, with the possibility of a greater flow of investments, it is expected that the crypto-coins will go up.

Exciting news! That amount of money coming in could take cryptos to the moon!

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Informative post
Lots of folks thought bitcoin is just a mere currency. It is got to be secured

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Awesome post, thanks for explaining this all.

I'm both excited and nervous for LedgerX.

On one hand, I think it will bring crypto as a whole closer to the mainstream spotlight, which (selfishly) will increase the value of my holdings and (selflessly) be good for the crypto community as a sign of validation that allows widespread adoption to occur faster.

On the other hand..

I'm nervous because this threatens the very appeal that dragged me into crypto in the first place. I know there are already big market makers manipulating prices, but when LedgerX launches the real puppet masters will be able to start manipulating. The capital that some of these companies can throw into crypto could increase entire coin market caps by a significant percent.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Curious, with LedgerX coming are you guys eager to increase your crypto holdings?

Very good information.
Thank you.
