in #bitcoin7 years ago

During my vacation in NY, the Tezos ICO took place. Initially I had my doubts about Tezos and the uncapped ICO. However, with less access to crypto on my vacation I had more time to research Tezos and did some last minute checks into what Tezos really is. I quickly changed my mind from not investing in Tezos, into making a hefty investment in the platform.

A recent communication with some large investors I know personally, reinforced that decision. Tezos as an investment is as close to ETH startup. The lessons learned from ETH failures will make Tezos a great success. I am making these statements when there is no Tezos on the market, so it's not considered an investment advice.

Tezos information directly from official website:



The explainer video from Tezos YouTube channel:

Tezos ICO has ended with a significant amounts of Bitcoin and ETH contributed to the project.

ICO prices ranged from 6000 coins per bitcoin to 5000 coins per bitcoin depending on investment time.

Tezos mainnet release will take place within 4 months of ICO ending, so a little over 3 months left. This date is not etched in stone, could be delayed. If you have not secured your Tezos tokens, I would suggest you get some on release and hold for as long as you can. Tezos is DPOS which follows a close resemblance to Bitshares, Steem, and EOS.

Side by side Tezos is another ETH contender that will face up to the blockchain that started smart contracts. Other projects that promise to do the same are Qtum and EOS


I've learned that investing is about the people, not the product or the tech. Having done due diligence on Tezos, Qtum and EOS I have chosen to invest in EOS because of the people behind the project. Of the three options EOS has the A-team. Any one of them could develop the tech to replace ETH, but only one will replace ETH. The difference is the people. Dan FTW!

How many full time developers will Tezos and EOS have? I would think they both have a fraction when compared to Ethereum.

Dan said EOS had about 30 full time devs a month or so ago, and they are hiring like crazy. No idea about Tezos or Qtum.

good to know, thanks!

What do you think will happen when it all developer talent is scooped up? Where will new blockchain companies get talent?

Dan, do you have any idea about how many developers contribute to Ethereum? Keep in mind, the ERC-20 standard must have some part time contributions from all token entities. Any thoughts would be highly appreciated.

Tezos just announced 50 million in funding for dev's building on its platform. https://steemit.com/tezos/@coolhandcanuck/tezos-continues-to-blaze-its-own-path

Great point, talented engineers are the most important and expensive asset of these companies. They are all relying on networking effect, the faster they move faster/better they can reach their (and investors) desired outcome.

This coin looks like garbage. Id advise not to invest in this one.

http://www.FlippyCoin.com is the #1 Cryptocurrency Exchange!

I'd choose the Tezos people if I had to bet on this even though they're less well known. I could be wrong, but hope not.

And yet... here you are on Steemit courtesy of Dan. ;)

Well said! Always invest in the people and also the vision. Personally I think both DASH and Etherum to be better than EOS but I am bullish on EOS. It's a zillion times better than the Buttcoin garbage. Hell I'd even pick CHC over BTC (I'm not kidding; maybe just a weirdo)

Wish you luck EOS! It's better to have alternatives and competitors.
Still ETH>EOS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BTC

I'm investing in DAN = EOS.

@paco thanks for the laugh :D love your comment.


Tezos = terrible.

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

great comment @paco! i actually laugh about that!! you inspire ! thanks and i will follow you for more :)

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

nice! is that a bot?

That's true

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

Good one. Rhyme perfectly lol

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

Lol! Now that's funny @paco! :-D

There are too many "smart contracts enabled" coins out there so pick your poison. I believe in EOS and Dan.

I totally agree with you @lawrenceho84 there are so many similar coins coming out on the market that it will water down the demand. I am not saying they wont succeed but there are no indications that one over any other will be the leader in the future. Will be interesting to watch none the less

That's y we need to choose the better ones like eos steem and eth. They have better chances of success rather than blindly follow the hype into new ico.

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

Why not just build smart contract on top of a Crypto currency instead of the other way around. And keep the big banks and corporations wall st etc away from Crypto.

Haha u can't keep anyone away from crytocurrency. In fact it is even better if the banks n Wall Street join into crytocurrency space and that will mean we have reach mass adoption. By then all of us will be millionaires if we hold enough coins

If Wall Street gets involved then the game is up. The SEC will regulate crypto and it's instruments to death. You don't want Banks and Wall Street involved believe me.

maybe you are right? maybe not? we shall see how it goes.....

That's true

Thanks for info!

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

There doesn't have to be only one to rule them all. The three blockchains can live side by side, supporting different ecosystems. Like three different flavors of ice cream, one for each day of the week. It's smart though to buy a few tokens of each blockchain, just in case one comes of top of another! :D

exactly, like ebay amazon and alibaba can live together.

eBay exists for the same reason bitcoin will, it was there first. Ethereum is very similar to amazon because it is a better more polished implementation of the same thing and I would say antshares is like alibaba since its very chinese oriented. Unfortunately I think the cryptos will mostly fail like the internet crash with 10-20 currencies being widespread like the googles and amazons and the rest falling by the wayside.

I have just upvoted your all post. Please follow me https://steemit.com/@pirbhu

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

I thought Ethereum was more of a smart contract platform than a cryptocurrency. Why specifically do you think cryptos will crash?

It is both with the added benefit of ether serving as the gas for powering the smart contracts which makes it even more valuable than bitcoin think commodity like oil rather than gold. Most of them will crash because the market cannot support this many businesses that are this large, it is simple math haha... and as history has shown us just because people put money in a company doesn't mean that it will succeed or even make a viable product. There are companies that are complete vaporware worth hundreds of millions.

Albeit true, Jeff B said something interesting, "this idea is not going away". That fundamental concept just may be the tide that changes the time. What do you say?

That's exactly true, but few projects are real and can compete head to head with ETH. I just point them out, September will witness the mainnet of QTUM and Tezos should follow soon after, how well these two do in the market will give us a little insight into how EOS will fare. I am a big fan of EOS tech, but not a big fan of the ICO style, I would rather seen a one month ico than one year. That does not change the fact it's a serious contender.

I like the EOS ICO approach, it allows developments with EOS to be priced into the ICO and token on the exchanges throughout the year.

Did u know that EOS is recycling its Ethereum contributions to stabilize the price at around 2 usd? There's no actual evidence for this but, the price for eos is obviously being manipulated. There's no way to everyday, get the same amount of contributions and for the price to be around the same. Think about it.

could be the exchanges are stocking up

Yes it does seem that our Steemit guys want to create their own playground. I just had my thoughts about it and the conclusion is that Steem as a currency needs more use cases, like a market. If you look at what Silk Road has done for bitcoin... you can be sure is a good test bed!

Do people shop like that as seen in that GIF above?

lol! That is what I was wondering about.

I've seen it! It does happen. 😂



You so sweet sister.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

I agree. Look at traditional investments, gold doesn't disappear because platinium exists.

Bonds, shares, art, currencies all co-exist.

I have just upvoted your all post. Please follow me https://steemit.com/@pirbhu

Stop doing this or you will be flagged.

cant believe the audacity of these 2 in here with the follow bots.

I won't flag you cause I prefer not to. However to get any respect or success on Steemit you will need to contribute to the community and especially to peoples posts of which authors spent potentially hours working on or are a culmination of a lifes work.
There are then people making comments to add more depth and possibility to the piece as a whole.

There are also some who just copy paste, spam and ask for easy money.
Some of those people make a little but will not likely have much success or enjoyment.
I only hope to help inspire people to bring real value and also value the time, experience and ideas of others.
Best Regards~*~


Wait a second. Tezos has some serious issues you might want to consider:

  • No Hardforks is just a sham - you can't do it.

  • Not formally verified.

  • Potential intellectual property issues.

This does not mean that Tezos will not be a good investment. Speculators can remain irrational much longer than people shorting can remain solvent.

See my old post We don't need to Hardfork: a questionable story about Tezos. - ICO July 1st for more information and support for my claims.

Both Qtum and Tezos will introduce a new governance system designed to prevent chain split like what happened after the DAO disaster, having such measures in place is a lesson learned by these next generation smart contract platforms. I am sure Dan mentioned how EOS will deal with issues like the DAO, although I am not sure yet what measures will be taken on the EOS chain. Regardless, all these new Chains will have a chance to dethrone Ether, something easy to do with the continuous recurring disasters on ETH. I know by now you must have reached a point in time where you do know these issues will not disappear. I am not saying the other chain's won't have issues, most likely they will, but I have serious doubts they will be as incompetent as the people behind Ethereum. Ether to take over Bitcoin's marketcap illusion is gone.

"Dethrone ETH",
Well Ethereum can simply use their governance model if it works. No need to move to a new, less verified project. Besides Tezos is not even formally verified.

"Continuous recurring disasters on ETH."
What disasters do you mention?

Okay so the people behind Ethereum are incompetent. Got it.

Nice.i already follow you bro.please follow @shahaalam

I also invested in Tezo's. I posted before and after the ico. I realized i needed to separate the artist from their art. The amout of tokens is the main thing going against it. If you look a future trading and comparables as far as token supply and marketcap there will most likey be a sharp rise and dramatic fall.

Ethereum doesn't have a set amount of tokens. Did u know that? They could issue unlimited eth if they really wanted. The highest amount it reached was 400 usd per ethereum. Hence, market cap and circulating suplply is all irrelevant. Value is put on things depending on how much people actually value it and want it. Tezos does have a high amount of issued tokens but like I said. People will put a value on it depending on a number inside their heads, and if they consider it valuable. If tezos delivers all the functionality and features as written in the white paper. Then it might go as high as 500 or more. Well just have to see what happens. 😋

Yea I know that ETH doesn't have a cap but they do have an inflation algo. $500 per token would make Tezo's have a marketcap higher than all cryptocurrencies combined including BTC . I don't see $300 billion marketcap happening.

I wanna believe @christina.red but @alao has the math thing is his flavor. Oh math crushing a girls hopes and dreams once again.

Effectively the traded float of the total supply coupled with the demand will determine the price. All the numbers do matter - but agree if you are just speculating on price then the total market cap of a coin doesn't matter just the price per coin - pretty obvious really.

So why did you invest? I invested a small amount in spite of the unlimited cap / limited inflation.

Go Tezos!!!

Can you trade your Tezos now ?

The Tezos network is being built currently. Expect it on the markets in November or December

Welcome to another ICO rabbit hole for lucky 'investors' who are playing the blockchain lottery.

Because I am no racist, I decided to invest in tezos, Ethereum, and Antshares.

Good to not put all eggs in one basket. Invest in different crypto.
Good idea. I guess that makes one not racist if crypto were of races.
But crypto doesn't even have gender, let alone race.
But better safe than sorry.