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RE: Purdue Pharma Struggling To Clean Up The Mess

in #bigpharma6 years ago

I'd say that the first monopoly formed was the state 😂👍 and any system that doesn't respect the consent of the individual to opt in or out, is nothing short of a system of slavery.

It is hard to imagine what standards might exist in a non-existent world. It is alleged that not only did Purdue use deceptive marketing practices but they also then pushed ppl onto higher doses of what they knew full well was addictive, while downplaying the addictive nature, and they had admitted to misleading doctors, regulators, and patients.

I see deceptive marketing tactics to constitute fraud, and you must already know that not all anarchists agree on how to define aggression or what actions might constitute aggression, though fraud has generally been included. As always, with the FDA and drug war, it is clear that government has contributed tremendously to the problem.

An alt fix? There would still be private dispute resolution methods available in a free market but the free market by nature cannot provide such a blueprint for how it might deal with every scenario that springs up.

Some people might want to spend their lives policing cockroaches to make sure that the central mob that violates their individual liberty on a daily basis is "doing what they should," we could just "vote harder," but such a path certainly isn't appealing by any stretch of the imagination; not to me at least. I've never been a fan of trying to get slavery to "work right" or more effectively, I prefer freedom👍👍


Not to get into the legitimacy of people consenting to no one (Declaration of Independence /Definitive Treaty of Peace) Vs the corporation which was hired to provide services to the public (The Constitution) but how or why would someone in the shoes of Purdue go to "private dispute resolution" and concerning that, why would you trust a private company to resolve disputes when they could just as easily if not even more go with the higher bidder or with whomever doesn't have the sheer weight of wealth to demolish them, free market style just like the first monopoly, by willpower and wealth?

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