Benefits of green tea.

in #benefit6 years ago

Among its multiple properties, green tea could help us prevent diabetes, since it favors the regulation of blood sugar levels.



There are many reasons why green tea has been part of Asian cultures for some centuries. It is a drink rich in antioxidants and nutrients that benefit the body, being a great support to strengthen the defenses and prevent diseases.

In addition, it is now known that this tea is a great support to lose weight and prevent chronic health problems, such as cancer. Do you think you know the amazing benefits of green tea? We invite you to discover more reasons to drink green tea more regularly.

  • Green tea is rich in antioxidants
    Antioxidants are chemical compounds that are responsible for combating other molecules, such as free radicals. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants and, thanks to this, it is an ally to prevent premature aging of the skin.

  • It could help prevent cancer
    Several studies have provided evidence that green tea has important properties that are promising as a method to reduce the risk of developing different types of cancers.

Chinese research has linked the consumption of green tea with the decreased risk of developing stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, prostate and colorectal cancers.

  • Promotes heart health
    Its high content of antioxidants make it an ally to regulate the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent it from being installed in the blood vessels.

Thanks to this, it is considered that the regular consumption of green tea can decrease the cardiac risks and other problems related to cardiovascular health.

  • Improves the health of the liver
    The liver is the organ responsible for filtering toxins that accumulate in the bloodstream and can affect health. Therefore, if this organ does not work properly, excess toxins can have a negative effect on the rest of our body.

A cup of green tea a day could be the impulse to purify the liver, reduce inflammation and make sure it is working properly. Regular consumption of green tea helps prevent damage caused by toxic substances, such as alcohol.

  • Stimulates the metabolism
    It is scientifically proven that the consumption of green tea helps to eliminate toxins, to lose weight and to maintain a healthy body weight.

It helps activate metabolism, improves the ability to burn calories and acts as a cardioprotector.

  • Favors good digestion
    Green tea, although it does not have a laxative effect, can help reduce gas, bloating and other digestive problems. In countries such as China and Japan, it is consumed daily in abundance.

  • Help in the prevention of diabetes
    The properties of this tea could help control blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes. In fact, recent research has shown that green tea can help prevent the development of type 1 diabetes, in addition to controlling type 2 diabetes.

  • Improves oral health
    In traditional Chinese medicine green tea has been used as a dental protector, capable of preventing mouth infections, in addition to its use to help control bad breath problems. So, if you have some halitosis, it is convenient to start drinking green tea to solve this annoying problem.

  • Help in the prevention of arthritis
    Several investigations have determined that green tea has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that could be very useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other types of inflammatory diseases.

The consumption of this tea could help stop the inflammatory response, as well as the cartilage breakdown in people suffering from this type of disease.

  • Strengthens the immune system
    Its high content of antioxidants added to vitamins and minerals make this tea is one of the best natural allies of the immune system.

The properties of green tea have been shown to be effective in the treatment of different types of infections, in addition to common respiratory problems such as flu and the common cold.