The Aeon Flux Bank of Neoxian: daily contracts: 2018-05-14
This post contains four contracts.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 600 SBD to @onyemacourage. He promises to repay 635 SBD in 4 weeks time. He shall pay 158.75 SBD per week until 635 SBD is reached. The first payment shall be on 2018-05-22
The Bank retains the Owner key of @onyemacourage and shall return it when this loan is complete.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 160 steem to @boyasyie. He promises to repay 176 steem in one month's time.
The Bank retains the Owner key of @boyasyie and shall return it when this loan is complete.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 200 steem to @hitmeasap. He promises to repay 225 steem. He shall pay 91.5 steem on 2018-05-28, 91.5 steem on 2018-06-04, and the final 42 steem on 2018-06-11.
The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 50 SBD to @jonsnow1983. He promises to repay 55 SBD in 15 days time.
The Bank retains the owner key of @jonsnow1983 and shall return it when this loan is complete.
(pic from
Please sign below...
The password is "widdershins".
Signed as per contract
@onyemacourage and @boyasyie thanks for banking with the best of the best bank @neoxian
@neoxian is the best of the best bank
The first witness to interact with small fish
The kindest whale and coffeenana lover
He is the mighty dragon, lol accepted
this is the 2nd time if not wrong you get a loan from a neoxian bank
Signed. Thank you!
I accept the terms offered by the Mesmerizing Bank Of Neoxian!
I have been on and off past few weeks. Kind of amazing to see how much success you have @neoxian. Congrats.
Congratulation Bank of Neoxian, hopefully will be success to the future...
Congratulations @onyemacourage to have a loan of 600 SBD from bank of @neoxian Hopefully you will utilize this loan really well and it will help you to gain better position in the community. Thanks @neoxian for offering loan to the desirous people. keep it up @neoxian
congratulations @onyemacourage hope you use it well and get the most from it...
wow,,another great name Aeon Flux Bank,,,
thanks a lot @onyemacourage. for keep a great deal of loan
i love @neoxian bank deal
Congratulations @onyemacourage & @boyasyie, Success!

A really cool picture!
Amazing work!
Have a wonderful day Bank of Neoxian!