SLC-S22W2 |Bakery Course: Types of dough and creation of sweet bread

in #bakery-s22w23 months ago



Hello Everyone!!

I hope you all are good and doing well. Today I'm here to be a part of this amazing course "SLC-S22W2 |Bakery Course: Types of dough and creation of sweet bread". I couldn't participate due to busy schedule of my life, as winter vacation started all kids and my husband is at home ,we are enjoying it.

Today, at tea time I tried the sugar bread that teacher @yenny47 shared in week 2. It was amazing experience for me. We enjoyed the learning, making and eating.

Let's move towards the lesson tasks:

🥐Of the types of dough presented in class, which one do you find most interesting and why?


chicken bread from phone gallery

Teacher explained three different types of bread that are mostly used for baking. I have tried all these at many times but I like fermented bread most . There are many reasons to like it , the main is its easy to make and result of bread is perfect. I often make the fermented dough for pizza ,shawarma ,stuffed buns, chicken bread etc. If you tried these bread first time ,the result will be perfect. It will surprise you as you are an expert baker.

🥐Make a sweet bread, you can follow the recipe given in class or try another one, but it must be sweet without any kind of filling. Document the step by step, and put the date, user and the class label on a poster

Today I'm making sweet bread by following the recipe given in the course.

Let's move to the recipe

Ingredients :

500 grams of all-purpose flour
3 eggs
150 grams of sugar
45 grams of butter
10 grams of dry yeast if it is fresh 14 grams
150 milliliters warm milk


ingredients for sweet bread

Making :

  • First I measure the all ingredients that require according to the recipe.
  • Start yest fermentation by adding 10g of yeast , 1 tbsp of sugar and 1tbsp of flour in 75ml of warm milk . Leave it for 15 minutes to activate it. When bubble rise means fermentation started.
  • Now ,make dough by adding all ingredients to flour and fermented yeast mixture.
  • Mixed all ingredients by kneading. At atart it's sti ky but when you do more kneading it became soft dough.


  • cover the dough with celling film and place it in warm place for the time when dough rises up to the double.

  • when dough rises to double, take it out and kneading it again to remove gas from dough, roll it and smooth it.

  • Cut the dough in equal sizes of 50g. All dough cut in equal pieces, so all buns should be of same size.
  • Then greased the try with butter and shaped the buns , i forgot to take pictures how i made knot of buns. Leave them for 15min for rest.
  • Varnish the buns with beaten egg and sprinkle the sugar grain on it .
  • place these buns in preheat oven for 15 min. Then final result is delicious sweet buns.


🥐Tell us about your experience making sweet bread, did you have any complications, who would you recommend the recipe to and why?


I have a good experience of making this sweet bun first time. There was no complications except cold weather, my dough rises in more time then usual time. My dough was hard so i was thinking its because of sugar added it as i was trying first time sugar buns. When i give more time to rise the dough, it becomes soft then i made buns . Result was surprisingly awesome.

When you try something first time you have some doubts but I excited to get good results. My recommendations to beginners if your dough doesn't rise dont worry keep it warm place for more time. Follow the recipe our teache @yenny47 give a perfect recipe with all instructions.

🥐Indicate the price in Steem of a sweet bread equal to the one you made. What is more feasible, making it or buying it? Explain

As less ingredients are required to make these buns so they are not expensive I'm giving their price in my currency and steem

ProductPrice (PKR)Price(Steem)

These are the prices are given fro my local market.

Thats all from my side and I have tried to compiled the task of the lesson. Thanks for giving time to my post, I hope you like it. At the end i would like to invite @roohiasif99, @sualeha and @uzma4882 for the task.

Best regards


your buns looks tempting and delicious... baking is really need perfect ratio and measurement. I would love to have fresh bun from your tray...

Thanks dear for your compliment and giving time to my post

my pleasure dear

Hola amiga @subohi

Excelente tus panes se ven ricos y seguiste el paso a paso de la clase eso es muy importante porque aprendemos cada día más.

Esos bolitos se parecen a los míos jajajajaja pero lo importante es que te quedaron muy bien

Cuando dices que hay que esperar el tiempo por el azúcar tienes razón tanda un poco más pero con paciencia se puede esperar y obtener uno panes excelentes.


Yes,I agreed with you . Actually in our cuisine baking is an optional or extra thing so we lack in backing techniques. Im learning and trying.

Thanks dear for your good words and time to my post


Dear, your breads are beautiful and surely delicious, the result was a golden bread and I am sure that this recipe is ideal to share.

I wish you much success in your participation, greetings and blessings. ♥️

Thanks dear for your good words and visiting my post