Astral Projection: What I Saw

in #astralprojection7 years ago (edited)

This is a painting I am working on. It's inspired by this crazy experience I had. Story below! ▼

I recently went to a Reflexology specialist. If you don't know what that means, defines it best as: a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head linked to every part of the body. Sounds great, right? Needless to say, I was in need of some pampering.

The specialist I saw works "solely" on feet. Lol, get it? "Solely"??? I'll stop.

Her name is Merri. Merri is one of the most vibrant women I know. Her spirit is full of positive gumption. She has been practicing Reflexology on feet for over 20 years and girl, it shows. I didn't know what I was getting into when I went in for an appointment, but I knew shortly after she began that she was at the top level of this skill.

Here's why: It was so much more than Reflexology. Throughout the massage, I saw things that were happening miles away from me and I felt as if I had entered a new dimension. Not a distant one—a dimension that felt very close to this one.

She started by asking me questions about my life and told me that this was going to be a Spiritual practice as well. I didn't really know what she meant, but I was like, "OKAY! My soul probs needs some healing tbh." She also asked physical questions so she knew where I felt sore. I told her it was my hips, butt, and thighs that hurt from swimming laps. I also mentioned recent problems with lymph nodes and my immune system. I, (a fully up-to-date vaccinated human) was diagnosed with Shingles and the Mumps in the past year.
I WAS pretty sure those diseases were eradicated...Yeah. Spent a lot of time in the hospital. Don't live in a house with black mold, guys. Terrible immune system! (No worries; I left that house.)

Anyway, Merri had me sit in a lazy-boy chair that tilted my head back and lifted my feet up for her to work on. She played soft music and told me I could keep talking or close my eyes. I asked her if there was a pressure point on my feet for my eyes and she said yes. My eyes have been very dry lately. It feels like they just can't lubricate. It's amazing that touching your foot in a certain way can theoretically aid this!!!

So, here's where it gets weird. About 3-4 years ago I had the strange ability to access DMT and "trip on it" from within my own body. If you're not familiar with DMT, defines it as: dimethyltryptamine (DMT). A hallucinogenic substance derived from the plant Prestonia amazonica. Others call it the "spirit molecule." This is a chemical that is released when you die or when you trip by smoking it. It supposedly "connects you with Source/God", answers all inner questions and people have reportedly seen a bright white light while tripping. I won't go too far into the definition but if you want to learn more, there are TONS of websites and videos on it all over the internet.

I believe that when I was heavy into Spirituality in 2015, I was able to "trip" through meditation. The magical visions I experienced sounded exactly like a DMT trip when it was described to me. I saw people and things from the future that have now been proven to be true (which are too personal to mention here.) And I don't mean things that the brain usually worries about and then comes true—like being afraid of falling on stage and having a dream about it. I saw specific faces I was about to meet later on that I hadn't seen before. I even saw people unpredictably die. People who weren't sick. I experienced flying as a large bird through jagged, green mountains and swimming in the ocean as an aquatic mammal. Sometimes I just saw random images that didn't make sense to me. But, for years I haven't been able to open that door back up again. I have tried, failed, and eventually gave up. Until I saw Merri...

I don't know what she did. But somehow, she opened up that door again. You know how it feels like there are two "levels" of closing your eyelids? The first layer closes your eyes but you can still kind of see the light around you. The second layer closes when you're actually falling asleep into REM cycles. Has anyone else experienced the two layers of closing their eyes? Am I just a reptilian? FUCK! Okay I just looked online and apparently humans don't have this but CATS and certain reptiles do. Okay...
Image of 20 year old Claire "DMT-ing" on her parents' porch.

So, there's a "gentle close" and a "heavy close". Since I am apparently a cat...the gentle close feels like I'm shutting my top eyelid. Then when I'm falling into a deeper relaxation, my inner eyelid closes. This is backwards. You're supposed to shut the bottom layer first. So, there is a shift. While the top lids are closed, I open the bottom lid back up again...For some reason, that takes me to another place. It feels sort of like opening your eyes to wake up, but you're completely detached from a body or from physical feelings. YOU are in a new space, but your body is not. You guys pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?

So, Merri's rubbing my feet and I'm tripping balls. I start to see this wolf. It doesn't have color (and there is no way I'll be able to describe that to anyone) but I painted the wolf anyway in pretty neon colors. I used to see this wolf years ago, so it felt comforting to see it again.



I got impatient, asking over and over again what the wolf meant and it started twitching, spinning in circles, wagging its tongue and morphing. So, I asked another question. I was becoming more aware of time, knowing I only had an hour at the appointment, trying to take in as much information as I could while I was in this higher space. Unfortunately the urgent nature of my questioning was taking me out of that world. I was pulsing in and out of reality like an old radio trying to pick up a channel by switching the dial. I was only catching short glimpses of things now.

The weirdest part was when I ended up hovering over my boyfriend who was a few miles away. I saw his figure, but without regular color. The best way I can describe it is like seeing an image of an object's heat.
I saw his body moving over a counter, working with items on the counter, shuffling them around. His head was bobbing up and down like he was rocking out to something. It was like I was floating over a sound proof force field. I was actually there above him but there was no way to touch him or even be in the same physical space. Idk. I can't explain that. I'll try harder once I understand it more myself.

After my appointment, all of my pain was gone. I stepped outside and noticed how crystal clear my vision was. No redness and no dryness. Yes. I quickly texted my boyfriend and asked him what he'd been doing the past hour. His response SHOOK ME TO MY VERY CORE. He said, "I'm just washing dishes at work, listening to some music." Like...EWWWWWW!!!!!! Right? Was I actually in some other dimension watching him? And are there OTHER beings watching us sometimes? And why am I able to do this???
So I told him I was there and that I saw him. (He wasn't even freaked out because that boy has seen like...real ghosts and shit lol.)
alex-grey third eye.jpg

So, yeah. That was crazy. I hope I can see Merri again because I have no idea how to make that happen again. I guess I could try it, but I almost feel too scared to do it without her there. At least until I know what I'm doing a little more.

Thanks for reading you guys. I'll be watching you...
LOL I'm kidding. Or am I...?

I'm sorry, I'm awful 😂

Love to you ❤️

The Modern Witch


I loved reading this, I love reading or hearing about other people's weird experiences. And when i got to the part about the 2 lots of closing the eyes, I knew exactly what you were talking about. I experience the eye thing if I've gone into a deep meditation, or just before my regular healing session will take on a light trance state. It's like my eyes are closed but you can still detect the light source in the room, it is hard to explain, but then all of a sudden its as if they close that much deeper, everything gets darker. I will often start seeing patterns of a deep royal blue in the darkness and that's my signal of 'ok lets go' and I sort of just relax into it, and can often lose all sensation of my body, it's strange, even when you're in a dark room and there is no clear source of light, it just gets darker when the second closing occurs. This is the first time i have read someone else describing what i have interpreted to be the same thing! im so happy that i read this :D.

Reflexology works on a physical and energetic level, i would guess an energy blockage in the system somewhere which had blocked that door for you had been shifted. I need to find a reflexologist as good as that!

@myindigoinsight Yay! I feel so happy that you know what I'm describing! I have been wondering if anyone else could understand it. I'm so glad you enjoyed my story 😌❤️

Some Context Which Might Help

Take it or leave it, I hear your story and give the information that I sense is appropriate. You have your own agency to navigate life.

There's something going on right now with eclipses and celestial alignments and such. Having spoken to a wide range of friends I have concluded that now is a good time to go on a 'journey'. For me personally I went to a 'quantum jumping' session this last weekend and things have been exceptionally other dimensional since then.

It's a lot to do with our beliefs, what we allow ourselves to do and be. A lot of people say this kind of stuff, but I'm starting to see it's true when applied in a literal way to our experience of life. We give ourselves permission to adjust the software or the 'projector' of our reality.

I think you can do this 'tripping' again, or something like it. If you want to, which I think you do. I also think you might already understand the parameters that open it up and shut it down.

  • Getting very 'individual' or 'personal' about the experience throws you back into a linear state which can't sustain all of the newness and unexpectedness. It goes against that 'persons' idea of what is real and is acceptable.

  • Examining your thoughts around this subject will reveal a lot. In reading your article I can hear you make certain statements. You know that these journeys are 'real' subjectively or experientially, but you also have some doubt or mind condition which is interrupting you. You say that you have no idea how to make it happen again, I don't quite believe you - that's coming from a place of doubt. Also you say you're scared, and that's kinda natural I guess. But I also think that some part of you if intensely interested in this, and is fearless.

So which of the pieces and parts are real? Going back to getting out of a 'personal' and fixed identity state, you will find that things are a lot more fluid. There is a version of you that is comfortable with this work, so it's more or less a matter of moving into that version and understanding that it's true. The doubtful and afraid version of you is just a copy that wants things to conform to a fixed idea of what is real, and who you are. We know that things are continually changing, so releasing into that we can accept entirely new realities.

I hope my speculation is helpful, much love and gratitude for sharing some awesome stuff :)

Oh my gosh. Thank you for your insight ❤️ All of this IS so interesting to me and you're right; I would love to do it again. What do you mean by "personal"? I'm a little confused by that. @phillyc

Well I'm glad this was helpful :) @themodernwitch

When I say personal, I am talking about one of our aspects in this human journey. To simplify things a bit we can say that we have just two parts. One part is the physical, which includes the mind. The other part is the spirit.

The spirit is the unlimited self, it doesn't need anything and it sees things in a more unified way.

The body-mind aspect is our learned or conditioned self. For example I could produce a story about how my name is Phil and I'm 31 years old, do this for a living, and have a series of likes and dislikes. I call the mind part of us the identity or persona. Some people say mask or script. It's a story about who we are. It can be true for a moment, yet it can't be continually true because we are a continually unfolding being - all stories are just temporary truths.

Where we get stuck is in reverting to our stories about ourselves, either conscious or subconscious. These cause limitations in our expression and suppress our natural abilities. The process of healing is smoothing out all of the psychological and emotional discrepancies that we accumulate through living. Taking those stuck points and bringing the energy back into our experience right now.

What this whole thing is about is tapping into our unlimited self and joining it into our body-mind experience. We do this through intuitive capacities, such as your clairvoiyance. I don't usually have that ability, just occassionally when I am with someone who does. I do use an intuitive guidance which operates exactly the same way. It shuts down when I go into doubt or over thinking.

So using these gifts which in truth every single human has access to, is about 'getting out of the way' and letting our 'personal' stories through with out holding on to them. Some times it's just about internally making peace with it, and other times we have to live it out into a situation. Either way, you get that choice to see through the block and nullify it.

Much Love

That wolf painting is stunning and about caution

I'll be watching you...
Let's see what you got, ok, i am kidding too.