Latest Halloween balloon models....steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

I've been busying myself with balloons and feeding the local wildlife. I do have another three models, which are my second skeleton attempt, my witch and another, shorter legged, spider. I can build models at leisure and I have noticed a difference between the skeleton's head (which is just plain mental and makes me laugh) and the witch's head (which was constructed differently and I feel looks a lot better, although not as funny :) ). It's reminded me of some of the genuinely amazing things that can be created with modelling balloons. These are not such examples, but they have inspired me to get even more creative and a little more technical.

I'll always make daft stuff that a child would kick under the table in embarrassment and shame, but I feel that I have the time to produce some really nice models and structures, so will be concentrating on some quality models in future. Anyway, back to this post and here's the three finished models (sort of :) ), followed by the skeleton in steps and a couple of progressive witch pictures. I didn't take any pictures of the spider being made.


As you may have noticed, the spider has had one of his legs ripped off, so he's not too happy at all. I'll add comments to explain the following pictures of the progressive building of the skeleton:

I was just fiddling with balloons and wondering if I could create a better rib for a skeleton, than the last one I did. This is what I came up with and it inspired me to make this:

A spinal column, with a rib attached, which was soon followed, of course, by this....

....which reminds me of a Caduceus wand.

I added the rest of the ribs.

And a couple of arms. And, where are the Andes?......

That's right, at the end of your armies :).

Then the pelvis.

The legs.

The feet.

And finally..........

That stupid head!


I'll be honest, the skeleton has taken over my flat a little bit:



I haven't as many pictures of the witch...

A Dalek, high on LSD.

....with added arms.

The basic head shape.

With added hair and rested on the body to see how it was progressing.

And with added top of head, ears, earrring and Gene Simmons tongue.

Her best angle.

And kicking a football.

Showing off her new hands.

Give us a kiss......

I said!......


Yes, you. Look out for that spider....


Well, thank you, very much, for reading this and I hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the daftness :).

All of my posts are 100% original content (or picture linked/sourced directly, if used). 100% of all curator rewards will go to the curators of this post, because I don't upvote my own work and all rewards are powered up 100% for Steem Power. I'm here for the long haul, to learn, share and grow with you. Thank you, for being here.

All the best and Steem On!


OMG my friend this is so !$·$%·$ AMAZING Followed !!! <3 <3

Hello @yusaymon. OMG your comment is so @$£*(&^%# AMAZING Followed !!! Ha, ha, ha, sorry, I'll have @Cheetah here telling everyone after reading my comment they might find your interesting ha, ha. Thank you so much, Sir, for that comment. Mega good feeling from the comments here :).

I have followed you, too, as I have with the other folks above, and always like to check out others' posts and glad we have a home feed for people you have liked, as it helps to keep in touch and keep up to date with their stuff, but I digress, slightly, and I say that in almost every comment, ha, ha, but in short, thank you, very much for that brilliant comment (I wanted to say amazing, really). Very kind, Sir.

All the best and Steem On! :)

lol I have some problems with english but I´m giving my best friend, and I like all ur photos IDK why I want to eat those globes!!! Yes I´m a little bit crazy ^:^ thank u @gwb235 :D ahahahah

You'll do for me, yusaymon :D. I like mad and irreverent, funny and light-hearted. I will not try to be clever with my words, in an aim to communicate better, but thank you for being the one that has met me in my language. I was taken out of languages at school, because of a personal indifference with the French teacher. She very much disliked me. Anyway, it is a massive regret that I did not protest more at the time, but the realisation came a little late. I really wished to have been able to speak a different language and may yet get around to it.

Thank you for your reply, yusaymon and I hope to share madness with you, futuristically :). Your English is fine, Sir. Better than many English folks out there, so there is definitely no need to address it.

I feel that I have found another friendly madman and together we can be bigger and more mental together ha, ha, ha. All in the aim of happiness and in the best possible taste, of course, but nontheless, a crazy, friendly cheerful bunch of 'Cosmic Jesters'.

Actually, I know a couple of interesting German words that I share a lot and will do so here:

Ewige Bloomenkraft.

All the very best, @yusaymon. Top man, top response :)

It is always so much fun to read your posts! Your cheeky skeleton looks awfully comfy (he may need a hat though) and the tongue on the witch cracked me up! Thank you for the laughs, @gwb235! Glad to see you're doing well!

Hello there, @brisby. Thank you and I'm glad you enjoy them. I enjoy your posts as well, especially the cat ones, but definitely not to dismiss the personal account and circumstance post that is very touching. We live in strange times, or at least you can draw strange perceptions from it, wherein you are advised, when dealing with other 'yous', to get things in writing and yet are also strongly advised to sign nothing. I know this does not relate to the content of your post, but just an observation, inspired by the title.

The skeleton was a dude and I did consider a hat, but made a commercial skeleton head now (third attempt) which I feel is better. Simpler, but tidier and can have whatever eyes people want. That tongue! It's actually strange to handle and kind of solid, by comparison. I think that I should do a video of the making of a tomgue, just to show people how odd it is to create and to visually explain how the inside balloon is outside out, but the outside balloon is inside out.

Thank you, for the comment and it's really nice to hear from you again :).

Thank you @gwb235! I'm touched that you enjoy my writing! And yes, times are strange. Your observation is a good one (maybe you'll make it a post?). I'm certain that it would be a good read.
It would be wonderful to watch a video of you crafting your balloon creations! And as for hearing from you, likewise! 😊

Hi @brisby :). Times are strange, but I feel that people may be stranger - much stranger. I feel like a conduit at times, but basically, there is so much information travelling through us all, all of the time, that if we absorb ourselves in it, we will get lost. From around 2,000 I started researching everything. I loved it. It fitted my eclectic personality. From 2010 I started sharing the information that I had gathered, but it was not received well at that time.

I ended up stepping back massively from it all, as it was sending me mad. Not in itself, but with the contrast that was presented to me when trying to live in the everyday world. Nobody was on the same page, it seemed. I joined the Freedom Rebels Network and we hed regular public lectures in local pubs and the likes. It culminated with the day that we went to Birkenhead Magistrates' Court on the 8th March, 2011.

Around three hundred Sovereigns (us) turned up with black umbrellas (completely random) and seized the magistrates' court, as soon as the judge claimed jurasdiction and we arrested the judge. He later escaped, in all of the confusion, but we did this to try to explain to people that the legal system is robbing you and you should be using the law to defend yourself. The goal posts have been moved that often, they are now corner flags.

Anyway, I apologise for the discourse, but of recent I have been typing out posts and comments and either saving them or deleting them, but not posting them. Anyway (again), back to your comment :). Yes, a video of balloon modelling would be mad but fun, although I don't think the present video camera is up to it, but I am intending to buy a new video camera, so will be able to do more then.

Hmmmm. I know that this might look like a strange reply, but it is just me talking from this perspective, here and now. Well, it's my head, which isn't me, but it wanted to drive and if I don't let it, it makes life hell for me :).

Thanks for the reply and the kind words. Keep writing, or else people can't keep reading :).

Learning as much as possible is a very admirable pursuit. Just never lose the knowledge of who is important and what makes you happy.
Please feel free to launch an extensive discourse with me anytime. I will make a point to get back to you (although it may be days later).
When I see a comment or reply from you, my first reaction is a smile. It's more than a halfer, but less than a beam. There's a happy chuckle of breath in there as well. That is the response that YOU'VE created in a total stranger. I just wanted to let you know the positive power you wield.
As for the contrast, it can get to you. I'm a bit more fly solo or operate in a small group of 5 or less sort of person, so watching a group like what was in a video I watched from the 2011 incident (since I had no prior information regarding the Freedom Rebels Network) was interesting.
I belive in speaking from your head (it controls the mouth and the feet so it has all the power).
Keep smiling and writing as well!

Thank you for that reply, brisby. I may well launch a discourse or three at you, considering that you have opened that door ha, ha, ha, but seriously, it's nice to be able to express myself and my last comment was a lot about how I was feeling at the time of posting. I guess it's nice not to feel inhibited. Of course, I reciprocate the same and if you ever want a ramble, please feel free and I will join in :).

I am always pleased to see your replies, too. They always make me feel better, if I'm in a good mood or not. It's also nice to know I make you smile. Unless you're an evil overlord, that's a good thing. I'm certain that you're not an evil overlord, though, so yes, a good thing.

I am very much a solo person. The video was the only time I have ever protested, because we all felt it would be life changing news for a lot of people to be able to use the law against the legal system and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, but my heart still feels the same and everything seems to fit into it, somehow. Difficult to explain, but I guess I am in the right place to try to :).

There are a lot of video clips for the court case, as a lot of people filmed it. The Freedom Rebels Network has a good library for legal documents and a lot of informaive lawful stuff, but it is a game. The legal system, to them that play it, is a game. It can send you mad, trying to get justice or a straight answer to a common-sense yes/no question.

This is why I feel that Steeit, to some degree, has a chance to change things for the better, on many levels, but as a brilliant introduction into crytocurrencies and a way for creative or just decent folk to grow together, even if there are pockets of negativity or flaws with the way it operates.

The head I use to process stuff, but it isn't very bright. A great processor and at times, it surprises me, but I trust my heart's decisions much more :). Feet are a good thing to have control of though, ha, ha, ha, and the mouth can really get you into trouble if it isn't controlled, so I do see your point. I may reconsider, but to be honest, that's doubtful :D.

Thanks, @brisby, for your comment and I hope to read more in the future, of course. I will keep smiling and can feel a 'something' coming on, but been over a week now, since I last posted, so I need to post before it gets too long a time. Still been upvoting and commenting and made a couple of balloon things, but I forgot to tae pictures of the skeleton I made today for somebody. A different looking fella, but made a couple of other things that didn't turn out well, so was going to do a 'failures' post, but decided against it.

Take care and have fun, but I don't feel you need much instruction there :).

Thank you! 💚
I hear you on not wanting to go too long without posting.
Recently, I've been doing these daily 5-minute freewriting (#freewrite) exercises put on by @mariannewest and @improv that I think you'd have fun with. (Honestly, I just want to see what fun you come up with...). If you're feeling in a playful mood, check it out.

Thank you, too :).

I did read one of your entries and I hope for my sake that I upvoted it, but I did mean to, so am sure I did. I just remember a woman swimming through the pages. Was really good. I guess I should have commented on it, but I will next time. I upvote quite a few things that I don't comment on, but sometimes I cannot add to the already made comments and sometimes can't find the correct words.

I might have a look at these as it might be a good way to keep in touch with Steemit and I'm sure it will inspire me to write more posts. Thank you for sharing that and I'll definitely have a look at them and see what my self-employed mind comes up with.

If you've been posting these daily, I have a few to read :).

Hi @brisby,

My massive apologies for the late reply, but I have found it increasingly difficult to type and impossible to post. It's a long story and therein lies the issues, but I am going to try to post today or tonight, but I wanted to respond to your comment and just say hello. So that you have some incline as to what has been wrong, it's what I have been calling 'Lifled' - Stifled by life. My creative flow was completely killed. Every attempt to type out a post failed. I am hoping to put all of it into a post, but it's an increasingly difficult task. I feel guilty that I have not been posting regularly, and that doesn't help, but, to put things into a box, so to speak, I am hoping that 2018 will be my year of getting justice, from many sources of injustice that have been haunting me for some time, or have been recent head-mashers.

I'm just deliberating whether I should delete this reply or not, as it's a little too negative?? I feel that my Steemit account is dying, as I watch myself do nothing about it.

Hello again, the above was typed a couple of days ago and I have just done a post to break the bad run, so am feeling better about posting. I do apologise for the late reply and I'll have to do some catching up, but I do feel bad for not contributing to Steemit for so long.

I hope you're all well and good, and it feels good to say hello again :).

Sorry gwb235, I'm going to respond to you better later on. I had something that I promised to do. I will probably be spending the rest of the night on this project. I did want to at least let you know for now that you don't need to apologize and you don't have to worry about deleting a response to me. if you will trust me to tell you if Something you say bothers me or hurts me you may feel free to say anything you wish. I promise not to freak out if I disagree with something you say. I'll just tell you and then we can talk about it or agree to let it drop or make a different choice at that time. So if you wish, when You Wish, "Brother" brisby is here.

Ha, ha, ha, brother brisby :). It wasn't that my posts might upset you, but I felt they were unloading on you, emotionally and felt you might feel I was assuming that I felt there was more of a connection between us than there was, but it's not easy to type such things as they are just words, without the nuances required for a genuine understanding of the context. Maybe this explanation might hep to explain why I have deleted or saved previous ones, to review, but may never get around to that.

Words don't always work very well, but it's fair to say that a bad tradesman always blames their tools. I just didn't want to type anything that could make you feel uncomfortable. I feel that you will understand this.

Anyway, I would be on extremely thin ice, should I be demanding in any way for a response from anybody, so of course, it's nice to get a reply, but never a need for urgency on Steemit (unless you leave it for weeks and then a monster will appear....).

Thanks for the comment and the punchline was perfect :D. I hope that you're having nice days and evenings.

You've seen my picture. I have broad shoulders and what looks to be six fingers on one hand, if you feel like you want to unload something I can probably hold its weight. I'm an excellent pack mule, and I've helped many people move. I shine brightest when I move a couch. :)
Right from when I've joined you and I struck up chatting in our comments to each other as if we were two friends in a bar. I say as if because I have never gone to a bar to drink so I'm going off of what I've seen in TV and movies here. I like that rapport between us and I hope that it doesn't change.
Thanks for laughing at my joke and I hope that you have a great night as well!

Ha, ha, ha. I thought your post was going to start, "You've seen my picture. I have broad shoulders and what looks to be six fingers on one hand, if you feel like you want to go a couple of rounds, bring it on!" Ha, ha, ha.

Thanks Brisby and I agree that we have chatted like friends from the go. I'm surprised that you've never been to a bar for a drink, but it's something that I refrain from now, and not because I am a recovering alcoholic, or anything like that, but because it's a bit poo, to be honest.

People talking shite and to someone that's drunk, the whole world is deaf. I don't mind people having a good time, though. Quite the opposite. Do you drink at home? Some people enjoy a glass of wine in the evening. I'm almost strictly a tea man, myself.

I'm sure our rapport can only grow. It's always nice to see you've commented. I have been busy with house and learning Spanish, but I will be settling down to read your posts some night very soon :).

Have fun and keep posting :).

That skeleton is amazing and also hilarious. Well done.

Hello @spc. Thank you for the very kind comment and I have to agree with you, regarding the humour of him. Made me laugh loads. I apologise for the late reply, but been out all day. Do you have L.S.D. after your name? Genuine question, regarding your skill :). All the best mate and thanks again, because positive comments are massively appreciated and they are what Steemit should be built upon and around.

All the best to you and Steem On, brother :).

I'm not totally sure what your question means, but I'm happy to support quality content like this so no problem!

Hi spc.

I have a friend who told me that he has a qualification in working with glass, from his college days and the qualification (degree, I think) gives him the letters l.s.d after his name. I never cross-referenced this or checked it out, but thought I'd ask you, as you have glass art in your description :). Sorry for creating the confusion.

Lol I haven't ever heard about that but it could be true, I didn't receive a degree in glass, its just a serious hobby for me. I'll look into that though!

Aye, I never researched it, to be fair, but the same guy ended up being the lead singer in a band called Hawkwind. He still lives in Buxton. In fact, saw him the other night and had a quick chat about the Nestle scandal in Buxton. He was out having a drink and a chat with the local vicar, who is a very cool, ex-biking and biking again vicar indeed. Thanks for the reply, brother :)

Steem On!

Lol I haven't ever heard about that but it could be true, I didn't receive a degree in glass, its just a serious hobby for me. I'll look into that though!

Lol I haven't ever heard about that but it could be true, I didn't receive a degree in glass, its just a serious hobby for me. I'll look into that though!

Gaz, Gary, or Iami, I don't care what you want me to call you, I am going with... GENIUS! You sir, are genius! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this post. Sometimes when I find a great post after some time spent curating it is as if I stumbled upon a nice microbrewery in the middle of the Sahara. One second I am dying of thirst, the next I am enjoying a nice well balanced red ale in an air conditioned tent. You sir, are the air conditioned tent, and the beer, and the cute bartend.

The skeleton... that goofy face lounging around your apartment! Those pictures are hilarious. And I love how... architectural the witch's body is. She is an alien collective, a living pyramid. Hot damn and thank you for the refreshing drink!!!

Much love - Carl

Hello @carlgnash. Wow, what an overwhelming comment :). Thank you, so much for the massive boost. I'm really pleased that you enjoyed it. That's a very well appreciated way to word things, Sir. If there is no connection with Gary Gygax, then I will pursue the Dungeon Master thing no further, ha, ha, ha. Actually, I saw a book today which is a graphic novel based on a roleplaying scenario, telling the tale of the birth and growth of D&D, but I digress.

Alas, the witch, skeleton and spider have been relocated, but I have the balloons to make more. A balloon artist is never alone. Completely insane, but never alone :). I won't forget the skeleton for a good while - totally uncommercial face, but one of my favourite, stupid heads that I've made.

Thanks very much for the kind comments, Carl and for the creative writing.

All the best to you.

Yes, I have been a (Dungeons & Dragons) Dungeon Master for... 24 years. Gawd that made me feel old typing that :) May your d20 always roll true - Carl

I had my first game of Dungeons and Dragons 26 years ago. My friend and I were both 14 and he brought the books and dice round to my house and I was hooked. Many years later, and I hadn't played for years, I received £1,000 and didn't really know what to spend the money on, but went down to town and bought the Monster Manual, DM Guide and Player's handbook (and a pile of dice).

Spent many an evening playing D&D. Fond memories.

BTW next time you make a post you are particularly proud of, be so kind as to drop me a link in the comments at my (tongue-in-cheek) FREE Upvote | Follow | Resteem service. I would be honored to promote your post again as I did this one ;) Cheers - Carl

Thanks Carl, that's a really kind gesture and I will. I genuinely appreciate your kindness and your community spirit.

All the best, brother :).

These look amazing! How long did they take to make?

Hi katrinalewis. Thank you. The spider is the quickest to make at about twenty minutes-ish, but the skeleton and the witch took hours. The skeleton, because I was working from images of skeletons, and things like the pelvis and obviously the head were difficult, so I sort of gave up on the head and went a bit goofy, but liked the head I made so much, I didn't change it. The witch took a good while, because I went through a few different designs and styles for the head. I didn't add a hat, but felt the hair worked well. So, they took about four hours or more each to make, but were created at a very relaxed pace, a lot of laughter and fun was had and because they were a bespoke design. Also, it's free therapy.

Thanks for your question, Katrina and thank you for the kind compliment. Very much appreciated :).

Wow! I can see you're very patient, and I am glad you enjoyed it. What will you do with them now?

They were an order, so they've been delivered to their new home. I have another smaller order to do. I have bundles of models I make and they just slowly deflate about the flat. Part of the hobby, I guess :).

I have some more ideas to make and people inspire me a lot of the time and it really is fun and therapeutic. Thank you for the comment and the question.

Steem On! :D

It's my pleasure! Happy posting.

Skeleton is 100% WIN!


Thank you @nehomar. We agree on that point, Sir :).

😂 so funny
Nice work
He is looking good

Hi @ahmadrox.

I get a lot of laughs from balloon modelling. Thanks for the compliment. All the coments have been so encouraging.

wow these are incrediable! Do you go through a lot of balloons while making these? because I'm sure you have to be gentle with the balloons

Hi @moonalight.

Yes, I do have a lot of poppages. Around ten percent pop but some are worse than others, and rough hands can be a problem. I'm glad that you like them and I really appreciate the praise. Thank you, very much, for your comment :)