Intergalactic cat - Halloween Quilling Art

in #art8 years ago


Intergalactic cat. Today I'm continuing my Halloween inspired, handmade cards. The black cat is considered the symbol of evil, often around witches. People consider the black cat a symbol of bad luck especially if one crosses your path. Today's cat is contemplating the moon, waiting for a sign from its master witch.

I am using black strips of paper to make all the circles for the body of the cat. Then using my fingers I will pinch them creating one corner or two. After having all the pieces ready I will glue them together.

First I wanted to use a green card then I changed my mind and used a black shade one. I created some white texture for the stars using a brush and some white drawing ink.  


The next step was to add details on the planets and the moon. I used a nib and some black drawing ink. After gluing the background and the planets on the card I added the cat. And it was done! 



Check out yesterday's card and follow me if you don't want to miss anything.



A symbol of evil around witches... I hope you are not referring to Steemit-cat and I? She is always by my side ;D

The cat is amazing-really clever how you have put her together.

:)) No. I wasn't thinking about the Steemit cat and you. Thank you!

Steemit-cat gives good luck and earache when she is hungry

I'm sure it gives good luck :) . I wouldn't want the earache.

Nice cat. I'm thinking of geting one. Maybw black 🐱

I don't think it will get along with the dogs!

Wow, I love your work!!!

Thank you! I enjoy doing them!

@anca3random it's not just beautifully done, nicely photo shot but also neatly presented so how can I not click that 100% upvote?

Well thank you! I appreciate your kind words and your upvote!