Cryptocurrency for the Peoples Revolution – Can it Work?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Currency Promo 2.jpg

As we see an awakening by a good portion of the masses to the unsustainable, inefficient, corrupt and violent ways of the establishment, I’ve been very happy with the emergence of cryptocurrency. So many people want no part of government or banking systems, so the thought of decentralized currency makes a lot of sense in our efforts to move away from establishment imposition. I personally started becoming more involved with investment in cryptocurrency, but I notice there are still a few things that the people need to address to help move these types of ideas forward.

One of the topics I discuss often within the activist community is creating alternatives to everything the establishment has imposed on the masses. When I use the term establishment, I’m talking about the encompassing hierarchy idea that seems to plague society – where there is always a small group of people who, through various methods, give themselves rights no one else has, and feels that their ideas of how society should operate is the best. They condition society to uphold their interests and beliefs, and use violent force when there is any push back. They create tools like their monetary systems to control and enslave. Is it any surprise that the people who create, control, and basically own the monetary system never lose their position, while the rest of the world goes down the toilet? The people need their own version of everything – their own legal system, production capabilities, food & energy production, healthcare system, AND currency concepts. This is where the cryptocurrency conversation comes in.

It’s so cool to be part of the next big thing, watching all of these various cryptocurrency concepts being created, and being able to invest in them early. If you have some money, you can buy a lot of shares of a particular coin that is supposedly destined for greatness. If you have a little cash put aside, you can be part of the next technology that can change the world. IF YOU HAVE SOME MONEY.

One problem with cryptocurrency is, you still have to have establishment money to buy in. Sure, there are some cases where just putting a little money into a coin may explode and set you up for a nice future, but that’s not going to be a regular occurrence. Many of the Alt Coins in the crypto world are not expected to survive in the future, so it’s hard to know for sure where to put your money. And even in the crypto space, greedy whales can still control and manipulate markets with their wealth and purchasing power.

So the challenges I see are – how do we get around this issue so that more people can participate? Even though I advocate a particular concept for society, I realize that transition to new social systems is a must. You cannot just impose a new idea immediately and expect a pleasant response. The people will need to initiate new ideas for society on their own, so that there are working examples for other people to explore, and this will take steps. As far as cryptocurrencies go, how do we get more of the masses to trust these ideas when their still tied to the monetary system in a sense? Do the people need to create a new type of currency that they control, and that’s value can be measured in the crypto world? Money itself gets it value from whatever people decide to get it from. There are millions of people around the globe who advocate new societies beyond the obsolete establishment concept – that is our common ground - but they may not have the purchasing power to get involved with crypto. However, the sheer number of people who could help cryptocurrency become more mainstream lies within that same crowd. Do the people need new cryptocurrencies based on concepts that they’ve created and give power to? And how do we get the basic premise of cryptocurrency into the general public, so that it’s more understandable and easier to adopt in the future?

When my mind starts thinking about this, I can think of a lot of possibilities, although I am in no way a professional in the crypto world, or the technical aspects of the ideas. But, I wonder if the Universal Basic Income concept can be done through cryptocurrency. I wondered if a currency could be created based around real world natural resources. I’ve wondered, with the many possibilities of cannabis and hemp, if cannabis would even be a currency, and somehow incorporated into the crypto world. And I’ve even thought about a currency based on reparations for the establishments imposition on humanity, and all of their psychological, emotional, physical, and environmental damage done - from their wars, monetary extraction processes, use of force to impose their will, irrational laws, allowing of toxic and harmful foods and medicines, trying to control and charge money for nature (rain, wind, sun), deliberate efforts to condition society to suit their selfish needs, etc.

I think cryptocurrency is a great concept for starting to move away from the establishment. Having no purchasing power in a world where money is dictates so much, stifles so much of society right now. Maybe someday we will even evolve from the need for money, but right now it’s all about transition. It’s time for us to take some of these new emerging concepts and merge them with concepts controlled by the people – concepts that they can relate to and understand, then I think we’d see MAJOR changes in the trajectory of our species.

Peace, Love, and Respect to All


I just saw for the first time an online store that accepted Bitcoin as payment! That kind of thing will help make it way more mainstream.

Excellent thoughts indeed Neil - here is an important topic/problem that the cryptocurrency community is facing and needs to solve. If we don't self-regulate the fiat system upholders will convince the masses that they need to regulate by force to protect the masses - like they protected the west from women and children in the various countries they have destroyed:

I upvoted ya, this is a good read.

For the masses to really latch onto crypto in general... it needs to be as simple to use as paypal and a debit/credit card. That is slowly happening and will happen.

Once the general population can "easily" use crypto without any kind of learning curve and it can be integrated into their lives right next to their current banking tools, you will see confidence shoot up and people start welcoming it in.