Adam Kokesh Announces Candidacy For Not President And Is Immediately Kidnapped By The State

in #anarchast7 years ago

Anarchast Ep.405

Jeff interviews returning guest, Adam Kokesh. Topics include: the discipline of non-violent communication, the circumstances surrounding Adam's recent arrest, police routinely deleting footage of arrests, live streaming the arrest, the ludicrous war on drugs, the absurd bond system, the Libertarian party, Gary Johnson, running for not president, the ethics of voting, taking leadership roles, the state of the state, cointelpro, fight or flight? overthrowing the biggest empire in the world, localization, sovereignty, feminine energy in the freedom movement, Adam's workshops at Anarchapuulco 2018

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The Adam Kokesh arrest was staged by the police & government agencies (the freemasons) to boost his campaign.
Once a marine always a marine. In this video he looks like he's acting and the G on the floor I doubt it is a coincidence. They always leave a clue for those in the know.

He became a media personality in the first place thanks to another staged arrest covered by FOX News some years ago.
Also his friendship with Cantwell raises questions, another supposed libertarian who then turned into a crisis actor agent for the Media.
He's the rogue candidate to get the disenfranchised to vote, I think they're concerned about the abstention vote growing. they know he won't win but he'll get another 10% of voters to the polls.
just like Cantwell he looks phony, and will do whatever the Superiors ask him to in the end.
This spoof Illumicorp video from several years ago explains well the rogue candidate system program at 7:35

first had to get my popcorn 🍿, now I’m pressing play...

Last election I was thinking that if they are truly afraid of Trump being president then that's the guy I want for president. But I was never sure of this, so I never voted. If they are scared of Adsm so much that they will arrest him, then that's the guy I want for president, or not president in this case.

That's really interesting

La verdad no tenia idea de este suceso..pero parece increíble lo que hizo trump

post a video of you saying that.... and more. We need more Latinos in this LP!!!

Hey Berwick... Por que no "Galt's Gulch Dos" circa Acapulco? ChingaChile! Seems like AnarchoForko is the place and time to organize it. This time, have more than a few people guard the treasury, with a better accountability system in place. It seems like you experienced there, what I did with the Atlantis Project back in '93. I got whacked for $50k in that ordeal. Frankly, waiting around for Ver Nation or the Seastead to be erected is really getting boring as porkyPoop.

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Jeff... How come you and Kokesh can't "close" this guy on AnarchoCap? What's missing in your sales pitches? He calls himself libertarian.... BUT, he rattles and shakes from inconsistencies when going down the road.

The engine is certainly strong enough... and in place. Somethings wrong with his transmission. He's riding an automatic when you guys need to convert him to a stickShift. More power; more control around the curves. Please. You and Adam tag team him... Thanks. He has a very intelligent, and loyal following.

Awsome interview. I have to admit that I swore off voting after Dr. Ron Paul & made it a point many times to many people that voting is immorral among other aguements we're all familiar with here at T.D.V. That's why I am finding it very hard to go back on all of that inorder to cast a ballot for Adam. I'll feel very hipocritical & I don't like that. I want to offer my time tallent & treasure to Adams campaign, but a vote... I'll feel stupid doing it & telling others to as well. Do I need to just swallow my pride & go all in or stick to my principals & retain my credibility? I'm confident I'm not the only volintaryist dealing with this same issue.

bibleA... I am hardcore Christian, and with the assumption your Bible is the New Testament, as well: Do we really have to ASK someone whether we have to "swallow my pride"? LOL Don't swallow it. SPIT IT OUT. EVICT THAT DEMON. Pride is the king of the 7 Deadly Sins!

Now let me ask you to consider this: I have to assume you are all in on "jury nullification". So that alone gives SOLID REASON to register to vote. America needs you in the jury pool wherever you reside. If you never cast a ballot in an election... who cares? However, right now, I am focused on assuring Adam gets on that debate stage in 2020. He needs the polls to be at 15% favoring him to be invited. I believe the polls only include registered voters. And with Blockchain tech, we are going to assure honest polling. How's that for a closing argument?
truth is truth.jpg

Thank you for the perspective. I appreciate the food for thought & trust... I'll be ruminating on this for a while. I agree that getting Adam on the stage is the single best chance we've got to get the message of TRUE liberty to reach many more of our brothers & sisters. Shake 'em & Wake 'em baby!!!

Adam will make Ron Paul look like a lost child, in comparison. AND he won't have to deal with GOP phony false-opposition porkyPoop. ...especially their violent desire for eternal wars and lust for counterfeit currency. Help me stack the deck in the LP nomination process. Can you give me 10 min. a day for 6 days a week to make it happen? [email protected] to discuss the strategy further. Anytime. Anyone. Your Brother in Christ: Louis Charles "Chuck" Geshlider.

How did I miss this post?

Adam’s plan is not a voluntaryist one, and I think it is amazing that people think the world’s largest crime syndicate is going to allow someone into the very inside who openly says his goal is to destroy them. Voluntaryists are better served in directing their time, money, talents and resources to their own lives, initiatives, and communities than jumping on this silly, sensationalized bandwagon that would violate the principle of self-ownership anyway, even if it did magically happen.

Centralized land distribution (as Adam and his “custodians” purportedly plan to do) violates those property owners and individuals in their own small communities with most direct link to the lands/resources concerned.

  1. Change the mafia “from the inside.”

  2. Redistribute things centrally even if thousands of miles away from the actual individuals and communities concerned.

  3. Brush off all questions about the “plan” as meaningless and accuse people of “not having a ‘better’ idea claiming “pragmatism.”

No thanks.

Thanks for sharing the content
I really like it very much.
Good one