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RE: Adam Kokesh Announces Candidacy For Not President And Is Immediately Kidnapped By The State

in #anarchast7 years ago

Awsome interview. I have to admit that I swore off voting after Dr. Ron Paul & made it a point many times to many people that voting is immorral among other aguements we're all familiar with here at T.D.V. That's why I am finding it very hard to go back on all of that inorder to cast a ballot for Adam. I'll feel very hipocritical & I don't like that. I want to offer my time tallent & treasure to Adams campaign, but a vote... I'll feel stupid doing it & telling others to as well. Do I need to just swallow my pride & go all in or stick to my principals & retain my credibility? I'm confident I'm not the only volintaryist dealing with this same issue.


bibleA... I am hardcore Christian, and with the assumption your Bible is the New Testament, as well: Do we really have to ASK someone whether we have to "swallow my pride"? LOL Don't swallow it. SPIT IT OUT. EVICT THAT DEMON. Pride is the king of the 7 Deadly Sins!

Now let me ask you to consider this: I have to assume you are all in on "jury nullification". So that alone gives SOLID REASON to register to vote. America needs you in the jury pool wherever you reside. If you never cast a ballot in an election... who cares? However, right now, I am focused on assuring Adam gets on that debate stage in 2020. He needs the polls to be at 15% favoring him to be invited. I believe the polls only include registered voters. And with Blockchain tech, we are going to assure honest polling. How's that for a closing argument?
truth is truth.jpg

Thank you for the perspective. I appreciate the food for thought & trust... I'll be ruminating on this for a while. I agree that getting Adam on the stage is the single best chance we've got to get the message of TRUE liberty to reach many more of our brothers & sisters. Shake 'em & Wake 'em baby!!!

Adam will make Ron Paul look like a lost child, in comparison. AND he won't have to deal with GOP phony false-opposition porkyPoop. ...especially their violent desire for eternal wars and lust for counterfeit currency. Help me stack the deck in the LP nomination process. Can you give me 10 min. a day for 6 days a week to make it happen? [email protected] to discuss the strategy further. Anytime. Anyone. Your Brother in Christ: Louis Charles "Chuck" Geshlider.