Key Changes in Your Lifestyle to Prevent Cancer

in #alcohol6 years ago


Image Courtesy - Indian Express

In a landmark study conducted by the Cancer Research UK researchers recently, different lifestyle habits have been found to cause cancer in the UK. Over 135,400 cancer cases per year they say can be prevented in the UK through some of the lifestyles changes.

Cancer is a menace that’s known to the mankind since ages, and although there have been many medical advances over the years for many forms of cancer, the root cause of cancer is still unknown. There are numerous studies conducted every year of which some of the causes are under our control, and some are not.

The causes that cannot be controlled are majorly due to the random genetic changes with age, or the ones that are passed on genetically. There’s not much that can be done about these risks, and the only solution here seems to be the treatment procedure as followed worldwide.

However, we can have control over many causes especially the ones, that arise due to bad lifestyle habits, for instance, smoking. In such cases, making a few lifestyle changes can potentially save a life and that’s what the new study suggests. These calculations are more accurate since they have used all the available data and the testimonies. The research is published in the British Journal of Cancer that depicts 4 such cases out of 10 in the UK.

What are the Lifestyle Changes that can Prevent Cancer?


Image Courtesy - Central FM

Stop Smoking – Smoking has proved to be one of the biggest contributors to cancer formation irrespective of the reduced numbers of smoking rates off-late. Nearly 32,200 cases of cancer in men and 22,000 cases in women have been reported in 2015.


Image Courtesy - Window to News

Maintain a healthy weight – Obesity or being overweight is the second major causes of cancer that needs to be checked with immediate effect. About 22,800 cases of cancer per year have been reported of which 13,200 are women and 9,600 are men. Obesity has been reported to cause around 13 forms of cancer that include colon, breast, kidney, and womb. Maintaining a healthy weight with balanced diet and exercise can prevent at least 1 cancer case in 20.


Image Courtesy - provincias

Stay away from the direct sun – Overexposure to direct sunlight that emits UV radiation is the third big reason that is known to affect around 13, 600 people with melanoma skin cancer every year. That constitutes about 3.8% of all cancer cases. Make sure that you enjoy the sun, but safely. Slather on some sun protection cream/lotion with a minimum SPF of 30 before you step out in the sun and drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration.


Image Courtesy - Healthline

Reduce alcohol intake – Nearly 11,900 cancer cases reported each year are due to excess alcohol intake. Liver cancer, mouth and throat cancers, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer are some of the common forms of cancers caused by excess intake of alcohol. Increase the odds in your favour by reducing the alcohol intake per day to max 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for women, however, it’s best not to make it a daily habit.

Mixed salad leaves with berries, avocado and honey-mustard dressing

Image Courtesy - Health Magazine

Eat healthy, breathe healthy – While eating is in our control, breathing is not so much. Eating too little fibre accounts to 11,700 cancer cases every year that’s 3.3% of total cancer cases, while outdoor air pollution is known to affect around 3,600 people with lung cancer each year that’s about 1% of all the cancer cases.

Make sure that you eat enough fibres in form of fruits and vegetables in a day to maintain a healthy body function. To avoid air pollution, it’s better to stay away from outdoor air pollution as much as you can, while you can keep your interiors clean and smoke-free for max health benefits.

Cancer is a wakeup call for many, so make sure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle or make the lifestyle changes as soon as possible for long, happy, and healthy life.


Avoid unhealthy drinks and food and keep daily exercise and stay fit.

yes i agree also maam, to take healthy food and keeping exercise to have healthy body and good lifestyle..

Yaah . I also Agree Your thought

it is for own good and to have a great job..

Out ancestors didnt know cancer before. When you have cancer 1000 years ago you are very special because it is unlikely be heard but now in our present days it is like fever that growing.

Its like normal scenario today to knew someone have cancer. That is because change of our diet and many preservatives. Many factors affecting it. By the way great post and remider because many of us just living a life behind a computer screen. Great post

hey guys i followed follow me.

Thank you for for encouragement

Thanks for the great info. Cancer is a process and takes 10+ years to form, meaning we've done these bad habits for a long time. It's never too late to begin healthy habits and stop cancer cells from spreading.

agreed with you!

Hello - wonderful post - Thank you, I'm following you and upvoted.
I have just spent 2 months in India and eating well is key. I am currently re addressing my lifestyle - never been sloppy but now am looking more closely at my attitude - past mindset - food / diet and exercise in a major way.

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Sonic Sonny 💁🏻

Industry is the key to success. It can change your life. Thanks for sharing.

Buen información

The increased incidence of cancer can also be attributed to changes in the environment mostly from industries located too close to residential areas. The improper disposal of waste products pollutes our air, water and agricultural products that's consumed by us on a daily basis leading to causation of cancer in the population. So it would be wise for those living close to these industrial complexes to relocate to avoid being exposed to this pollutants. Thanks for the great read @prameshtyaghi.

Thanks for the info. Agreed.
Environment is important to avoid cancel!

My pleasure have a lovely day.

Great list! I would add, "stay hydrated". Not based on any research, but just knowing my body recovers and maintains good health when I'm hydrated.

Healthy living is what we owe our body.

Sometimes it feels as though avoiding cancer is portrayed as harder than it needs to be. Yes, over indulging on alcohol or smoking even a little bit is a terrible idea. It increases the risk of cancer, and it also increases many other risk factors associated with death and unhappy lifestyles.

Avoiding sun though, I cannot really agree with wholeheartedly. Yes, sunscreen is great and should be used by everyone. Especially by those with fairer skin. However, I think a lot of people take this point to far and avoid the sun all together. That may have a worse affect than enjoying the sun in the first place. Don't stop enjoying the sun and the outdoors! Just do it with a little bit of sun screen!