mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in #venezuela • 4 years agoCultural activities day.Day of cultural activities in my community, (file photo, taken with my cell phone).mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)Private First Classin Account Booster 👍 • 4 years agoMy oldest son on the inflatable mattress.My oldest son enjoying with his friends on the inflatable mattress, (file photo taken with my cell phone).mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in StockPhotos • 4 years agoPlaya colorada, mochima national park, Venezuela.SOURCEmujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in LifeStyle • 4 years agoLos Roques Archipelago, Venezuela.SOURCEmujervirtuosa resteemededlili24 (74)memberMiembro SVin Steem Venezuela • 4 years agoHazte un Anfitrión de Steem Venezuela para el programa #svpromo-steem // Beneficiario (50%) @womenclubcharityUn saludo a Todos los estimados miembros de esta hermosa comunidad Venezolana. Me complace poder seguir…mujervirtuosa resteemeddorian-lee (82)in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto • 4 years ago도리안의 일기 #968 - 삼성동 현대백화점의 옥상정원3일전 점심 시간에 삼성역 부근에 위치한 현대백화점의 옥상정원에 방문했습니다. 스카이 뷰를 볼 수 있을까 기대했지만, 아쉽게도 내려다 볼 수 있는 뷰는 없었습니다. 하늘, 나무, 꽃을 볼 수 있는 것으로 만족해야…mujervirtuosa resteemeddonjosuexd (66)in WhereIN • 4 years agoBITCOIN MI...BITCOIN MISSING BREAKAGE Yes, we have been scammed, we have been deceived, that would say any uninitiated, we know…mujervirtuosa resteemedwisdomandjustice (82)adminin KWH 한국전쟁사 • 4 years ago낙동강부터 압록강까지 25-8-1 김포공항 탈취와 한강으로 진격(268)전투지경선의 선정(미5해병연대, 미1해병연대) 서울-인천 가도를 중심으로 미5해병연대는 북방, 김포공항을 목표 미1해병연대는 남방, 영등포에 도달하기 위한 인천-서울가도 책임 미제5해병대…mujervirtuosa resteemedsteem-agora (85)in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto • 4 years ago증인정책, 500 스파업 보팅행사(6월 22일) AVLE for CommunicationAVLE for Communication 소셜 미디어는 기본적으로 소통이 중요하다고 생각합니다. 암호화폐 기반 블록체인 소셜미디어는 보상을 떠나서 생각하기 어렵습니다 그러나 보상만이 최상의 가치가…mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in StockPhotos • 4 years agoWARAIRA REPANO NATIONAL PARK (CARACAS VENEZUELA).Majestic Waraira Repano National Park (Caracas Venezuela), its altitude varies, from 120 to 2,765 meters above sea…mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in StockPhotos • 4 years agoBEACHES OF VENEZUELA.Venezuelan beach, La Guaira state Venezuela. Unedited photo, taken with my cell phone…mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in StockPhotos • 4 years agoBEACHES OF VENEZUELA.Venezuelan beach, State of La Guaira, Venezuela. Unedited photo, taken with my cell phone…mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in StockPhotos • 4 years agoBEACHES OF VENEZUELA.Venezuelan beach, State of La Guaira, Venezuela. Unedited photo, taken with my cell phone…mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in StockPhotos • 4 years agoBEACHES OF VENEZUELA.Venezuelan beach, State of La Guaira, Venezuela. Unedited photo, taken with my cell phone…mujervirtuosa resteemedfloressergio (55)in StockPhotos • 4 years agoSIMÓN BOLÍVAR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OF MAIQUETÍA, LA GUAIRA STATE, VENEZUELA.Hangars of the Simón Bolívar International Airport of Maiquetía, La Guaira State, Venezuela.. Unedited photo, taken…mujervirtuosa resteemedoscar21vander (65)First Lieutenantin Account Booster 👍 • 4 years agoVOTOS DE CURACIÓNComo se los comente en el post de ayer hoy comenzaré con los votos de curación, los votos de curación es lo más facil…mujervirtuosa resteemedoscar21vander (65)First Lieutenantin Account Booster 👍 • 4 years agoVOTOS POR DELEGACIÓNLos votos por delegación es algo que es algo facil de entender pero tiene algo de complejidad. Nosotros cuando…mujervirtuosa resteemedoscar21vander (65)First Lieutenantin Account Booster 👍 • 4 years agoVOTOS POR PROMOCIÓNLos votos por promoción es algo que no les gusta a varios usuarios, la realidad es que ayuda mucho para que otros…