korno1 resteemedxkool24 (75)in Fur-friends • 4 years agoCOMMON PIGEON DISEASES; CAUSES, PREVENTION, SYMPTOMS & CURES || BY @xkool24 ||Source Hi friends, it is my pleasure to bring to us a continuation of my previous post on pigeons. Today's post…korno1 resteemedfredquantum (76)in Fur-friends • 4 years agoYour pet as a working animal: Case Study (Dog)Introduction Hello, precious Steemians. To pet lovers out there, my regards to everyone. I will be taking you on a…korno1 resteemedkaminchan (70)in Fur-friends • 4 years agoMy favourite orange cats are so modest and humble.I have been learning a lot about cats. Since I adopted a young cat who was pregnant three years ago, my life is…korno1 resteemedjhellenmjgr (67)in Fur-friends • 4 years agoHi! Is Micka and I'm jealous!Hi @furfriends community It's Micka. I'm doing so well.. So I decided to take mommy's phone while she's sleeping to…korno1 resteemedyuceetoria (68)in Fur-friends • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.March 13, 2021: National K9 Veterans Day by @yuceetoria( powered up 100%)?? Did you know that in 4000 B.C, Ancient Egyptians took them with them to battle. These dogs were known as "Dogs of…korno1 resteemedxkool24 (75)in Fur-friends • 4 years agoOVERVIEW OF PET SNAKES, TYPES AND THEIR SUITABILITY TO THEIR KEEPER (PART 1) || BY @xkool24 ||INTRODUCTION There are approximately over 2900 snake species found and this makes it alot easier to choose and make…korno1 resteemedmato445 (74)in Fur-friends • 4 years agoFeatures of Snakes that makes it different from other pets by @mato445Image source Introduction Snake makes a good pet, as a lover of snakes I will highlight some of the feature of…korno1 resteemedjohnkuzzy (58)in Fur-friends • 4 years agoHow to care for your cat by @johnkuzzyGood day steemians of fur friends and welcome to my blog today i am going to tell you some ways on how to take good…korno1 resteemedyousafharoonkhan (75)adminFounder Admin |D 15000 |C100|in Urdu Community • 4 years agoSteemit Logo Contest #1 -Make Colorful Steem Logo [STEEM CHALLENGE]Dear steem challenge community! It is open contest. every one can take participate in this contest. it is second…korno1 (45)in LifeStyle • 4 years agoGolden statue of Luang Pu Wat Paknam -Thi lifestyleWen Phra Moncontep Muni (Chantasaro Garden), who discovered the witch Wicha Dhammakaya or Luang Pu Wat Paknam Fassi…korno1 (45)in LifeStyle • 4 years agoSeafood Adventures lunch-importance of seafood in our life styleIf you are looking for a healthy, tasty and easy-to-prepare food, seafood is better. The USDA recommends eating…korno1 resteemedudibekwe (80)adminin StockPhotos • 4 years agoFicus Microcarpa Flower 🌺Ficus microcarpa ‘’variegata’’ is quite beautiful, outstanding & the leaves are ovate with slim points of around 12cm…korno1 resteemedlichtblick (78)in APPICS • 4 years agoAwesome Food On Appics " Delicious Thick Noodles With Pork Cheeks And Tomato Sauce" ...... Follow @lichtblickkorno1 resteemeddorian-lee (82)in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto • 4 years ago도리안의 일기 #818 - 어제 뒤늦은 출근 도중 바라본 한강어제 재택근무하다가 출근하기도 하고 오후 3시반쯤에 집에서 나왔습니다. 전철을 타려다가 출퇴근 시간대가 아니니 좌석버스가 더 빠를 수도 있겠다 싶어 전자 대신 후자를 타기로 했어요. 후자의 좋은 점은 강변북로를…korno1 resteemedilovemylife (78)in #sct • 4 years ago하루 한줄 손자병법(孫子兵法)133故知戰之地(고지전지지), 知戰之日(지전지일), 則可千里而會戰(즉가천리이회전). 싸울 장소와 시간을 알 수 있다면, 가히 천리에 걸쳐 싸움을 치를 수 있다. 여전히 주도권을 장악하는 문제에 대해 이야기…korno1 resteemedtarpan (72)CountryRepresentative Bangladeshin Steem POD Team • 4 years agoGreeter Report and Weekly Curation Report 25 by @steemcurator07 (Curating for Bangladesh)Week: 16/01/2021 to 22/01/2021 Country: Bangladesh Published Date: 30/01/2021 Last Week Report : Week…korno1 resteemedzinasura (83)in #kr-game • 4 years ago슈퍼로봇대전 OG II 43화류세이 : 그렇구만... 알블레이드일까? 쿄스케 : 과연... 크게 휘두를 수 있는 대형의 접근전 무기인가. 카티나 : 이 기회에 붉게 칠해놓으려고 생각했는데... 어쩔 수 없구만, 그녀석에게 양보해주지.…korno1 resteemedkakakk (81)in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto • 4 years ago디파이 반드시 공부하자!!은행이자 이렇단다. 세전금리다. \ 그래도 안전하고 가격하락 위험이 적은걸로 골라봤다. BUSD - BNB LP 66.78% 다 몇배차이인가?? BUSD는 1$이라고 보면 된다 변동이…korno1 resteemedwisdomandjustice (82)adminin KWH 한국전쟁사 • 4 years ago낙동강부터 압록강까지 11-3 대전전투 초일(7월 19일)딘소장의 부대배치 조정 7월 18일 딘소장은 제19연대 2대대를 영동에서 대전으로 이동 제13 야포대대 B 포대는 옥천에서 대전비행장으로 전진 금산에 배치된 사단 수색중대는 34연대에 배속 사단장과…korno1 resteemedlucky2 (79)in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto • 4 years ago토마토비프스튜겨울에 어울리는 건강식 소개합니다. 혼자 있는 남편이 전자렌지에 데워먹기만 하면 되는 것이라서 한 번 만들어 보았습니다. 몸에 좋은 재료가 많이 들어가고 만들기도 쉽고 오래 보관도 가능해서 여러모로 좋네요.…