dineshsharma resteemedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoHEALTH BENEFITS OF WALNUTProven Health Benefits of Walnuts Omega-3, found in walnuts, is important in the development and function of the…dineshsharma resteemedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoAVOCADOS - POWER HOUSE OF VITAMINSAvocados are very nutritious and contain a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals.…dineshsharma resteemedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoHONEY FOR SKINANTI-AGING Full of antioxidants, it is great for slowing down aging. BOOST COMPLEXION It is extremely moisturizing…dineshsharma resteemedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoAPPLE SEEDS CAN CAUSE DEATHapple seeds, contain cyanide which is poisonous. Eating enough seeds (in one case, one cup of apple seeds) can cause…dineshsharma resteemedgs003 (52)in #health • 6 years agoSYSTEMS OF VITAMIN B 12 DEFICIENCYWHAT IS VITAMIN B 12 Vitamin B12, is an important water-soluble vitamin It plays an essential role in the…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoHIMALAYAN SALT IS BETTER THAN TABLE SALTHIMALAYAN SALT pink Himalayan salt contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron . Nevertheless, the…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoREMEDY FOR ACIDITYBLACK SALT One remedy that works wonder when to treating acidity combination of carom (Ajwain) seeds and black…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoWHICH SALT IS HEALTHIEST ?Sodium and chlorine are the two elements that make up salt, making all types of salt sources of these essential…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoCAN WE DRINK LASSI AT NIGHT ?Ayurveda explains that curd consumption at night is not good as it leads to mucus development. so Do not eat curd at…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFOOD FOR FAIR COMPLEXIONSTRABERRIES ,CITRUS FRUITS AND BROCCOLI 2 SUN FLOWER SEEDS AND ALMOND 3 GREEN LEAFY VEGGIES , DARK ORANGE AND DARK…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFACE PACKS FOR ACNEAcne is the single most common skin issue that we all suffer from time to time. face packs not only treat acne but…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoIMPORTANCE OF DATESTHE EXPERTS SAYS 1 Eating dates will promote sperm quality and quantity as it is one of the best natural fruits…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoWHITE POISON --KEEP AWAY FROM ITAVOID OR MINIMIZE WHITE SUGAR SWEETEN YOUR TASTE WITH JAGGARY IT IS FULL OF NUTRITION image from livestrong.comdineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoIS LIME GOOD FOR DIABETIC PERSONVitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces free radical damage in the body. Free radicals damage cells and…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoDO YOU KNOW ? LEMON CONTAINS MORE SUGAR THAN STRAWBERRYLEMON CONTAINS 70% OF SUGAR AND STRAWBERRY CONTAINS ONLY 40% OF SUGAR LEMON TASTES SOUR BECAUSE IT CONTAINS HIGH…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFOODS FOR GLOWING SKINFoods that may help fight diseases and rescue healthy cells from an onslaught of destructive free radicals increases…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoDOES PLUCKING WHITE HAIR CAUSE MORE WHITE HAIR?Pluck one white hair grow back two is an old wives tale than a reality experts say that we can not possibly add to…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoWHAT CAUSES GREYING HAIRTHERE ARE MANY REASONS FOR GREYING HAIR AS GENETICS TOO MUCH HYDROGEN PEROXIDE LACK OF NUTRITION MAIN AND COMMON…dineshsharma (52)in #health • 6 years agoFLATTEN TUMMY WITH SIMPLE WAYSSIMPLE WAYS TO REDUCE BELLY FAT 1 DRINK MORE WATER 2 CUT BLOAT-CAUSING FOODS…dineshsharma resteemedgd007 (47)in #life • 7 years agoAUM OM BENEFITS OF CHANTING THIS MANTRAWHAT IS AUM OM is the universal name of lord and universally recognized mantra. IT IS THE SOUND OF CREATION…