chibuzor (16)in #cryptoacademy • 3 years agoCoinMarketCap Daily, Sept. 20: El Salvador Buys Dip as BTC Suffers Bruising FallBitcoin Wipes Out Weekend Gains On Saturday, Bitcoin hit highs of $48,791.78. But as a new week begins, such prices…chibuzor (16)in #bitcoin • 3 years agoCoinbase Criticized After Signing $1.36M Deal with U.S. Government.Coinbase may be currently in a battle with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, but that hasn’t stopped the…chibuzor resteemedoldstone (84)adminin AVLE 국내 및 국제정치 • 4 years ago미국이 아프간에서 패배한 이유와 반성적 성찰의 부족아프간에서 미군이 철수한다. 1년에 천조원 이상의 군사비를 사용하는 미국이 원시적인 수준의 탈레반군에게 패배한 것이다. 왜 미국이 패배했을까? 미국은 철수한다고만 밝혔고 왜 패배했는지에 대한 이유를 아직 밝히고…chibuzor resteemedzinasura (83)in #kr-game • 4 years ago슈퍼로봇대전 OG 외전 32화휴고 : 포리아! 뭔가가 이쪽으로 온다! 포리아 : 칫! 이젠 웬만한 걸로는 놀라지 않아! 슈우 : 훗... 다양하게 폐를 끼치고 있는 모양이로군요. 휴고 : 그랑존...!! 포리아 : 바, 방금 한 말…chibuzor resteemedoldstone (84)adminin AVLE 국내 및 국제정치 • 4 years ago바이든의 대북정책구상의 의미바이든 행정부의 대북정책구상이 발표되었다. 한반도의 비핵화를 전제로 실용적이고 조정된 새로운 접근법을 유지한다는 것이다. 이에 대해 권정근 북외무성 미국담당국장은 미국이 주장한 외교와 단호한 억지란 구시대적…chibuzor resteemedcjsdns (89)in zzan • 4 years ago5월이 되니 마음이 바빠진다.5월이 되니 마음이 바빠진다./cjsdns 4월이 지나고 5월이 왔다. 늘 새로운 달이 시작되면 느끼는 감정이지만 5월은 더욱 그렇다. 지난 4월에는 ATOMY 승급 프로그램이 좋은 성과를 내며 잘…chibuzor resteemedvipnata (75)in #contest • 4 years agoNEW CONTEST! "I BUY STEEM" (Competition announcement)Greetings to all steemians! I announce a new contest: " I Buy Steem! " I had the idea to hold such a contest for…chibuzor resteemeddmitrik (69)memberAuthor | Delegator ⭐[200 SP]⭐in Steem-BRU (BY-RU-UA) • 4 years ago🌈 Color Palette Contest by @olesia and @dmitrik 🌈 | Announcement of the winners of the week#7 and the beginning of the week#8 ||| PRIZE POOL 100 STEEMThe sixth week of the competition has come to an end from @olesia & @dmitrik has come [Color Palette] ⠀…chibuzor (16)in #photograph • 5 years agoTHE NEW BMW X3ADVENTURE AWAITS DISCOVER THE 2020 BMW X3 A BORN ADVENTURER The X3’s elevated ride height, spacious interior…chibuzor resteemedkingscrown (81)in #bitcoin • 5 years agoBakkt Launch Date, Time and HourBakkt is a bitcoin futures exchange and digital assets platform founded in 2018 by the Intercontinental Exchange…chibuzor resteemedkingscrown (81)in #dlike • 5 years agoWhere to Day Trade Bitcoin on the Bull Run - Leverage, Futures, Spot Tradingold article but still most of these sites work was edited a bit as it has okcoin known as okcasino which is no longer…chibuzor resteemedkingscrown (81)in #bitcoin • 5 years agoI told you priv coins are going down. Upbit this timeWeek ago i wrote i feel privacy oriented cryptos will go down Now after Okex, Upbit one of the top volume…chibuzor resteemeddeanliu (77)in #game • 6 years ago元宵燈謎又來啦~~去年我出過幾個元宵節的燈謎,反應還不錯。今年,稍微晚了點,不過,反正燈節都還在展出呢,其實也還在節慶氣氛中,我還是絞盡腦汁,搞了幾個題目出來~~大家同樂一下吧~~ ^^…chibuzor resteemedkingscrown (81)in #blockchain • 6 years agoBinance DEX Wont Be Decentralized ?We all know Binance is goingto launch DEX to get even bigger cut of everything. Yet it seems, it wont befully…chibuzor (16)in #steemhunt • 7 years agoThe New 2019 BMW X7 SUV - 2019 BMW X7 SUV Exterior and InteriorThe New 2019 BMW X7 SUV 2019 BMW X7 SUV Exterior and Interior Screenshots View Image View…chibuzor (16)in #science • 7 years agoScience- Sexy Sea Worm you need To Know And Pictures.Facts about Marine Ribbon Worms Ribbon worms come in all shapes and sizes. This one, with white stripes along…chibuzor resteemeddynet (42)in #reality • 7 years ago"FOKUS"Ada seorang anak yang setiap hari rajin sholat ke masjid, lalu suatu hari ia berkata kepada ayahnya, "Yah mulai hari…chibuzor resteemednathanmars (71)in #ulog • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Ulog #19 14th August Steemit diary >> I’m keep accumulating Steem Power 14th August 2018 I bought 300 something steem power today and I’m slowly accumulating more steem power for last few…chibuzor resteemeddedicatedguy (74)in #freedom • 7 years agoSometimes, intervening a country might be the right thing to do.Nowadays it is becoming increasingly difficult to violate human rights, or at least to cover up these violations. This…chibuzor resteemedicosandwhich (66)in #investment • 7 years agoSteem Price Prediction For 2018Howdy folks, just launched my new cryptoblog ICOWatch . I am going to be posting articles about Crypto, new ICO's…