Starting a New Chapter

in #zzan2 years ago

Life has been hectic lately that I could barely find time for what I want to. Most times, I have to make do with just doing the tasks that needed to be done. Since I have been gone for awhile, I want to share some significant life events that happened when I was MIA here.

National Certificate Holder
To start with, after finishing my academic responsibilities back in July, I decided to join a TESDA Scholarship program along with my classmates. The main reason I decided to pursue a training was to gain a bit of technical skills that I unfortunately lack due to the pandemic. I did not want to graduate with just theoretical knowledge afterall.

The training was a hybrid setup. We had 10 days online classes and 10 days face-to-face trainings. For the online class, there was a learning platform that contained the modules and activities to be read and answered. We also had to attend online classes every day.

For the face-to-face setup, we learned practical and technical skills. At first, it was difficult for me to grasp the concept but at the end of the training, I was pretty confident with myself. I gained a lot of belief in myself that I can learn how to do things given enough time and instructions.

After the training, we had to pass the assessment to be a national certificate holder. Thankfully, I was able to pass the assessment and become a NC II holder before I graduated college.

This experience really helped in alleviating some of my anxiety about the future. I was scared due to the fact that even though I was about to graduate, I still felt like I knew nothing. Fortunately, I was able to challenge myself with this national certification and gained more appreciation for myself.

Degree Holder
After the TESDA scholarship program, I started to requestthe documents I need from the university like the clearance, transcript of record, good moral character, and certificate of graduation. Obviously, I could not get all of the documents immediately but I could request them as long as I finished my clearance. So that is what I did.

During this time, I was also receiving calls from different companies for interviews. There were some interviews that generated a few job offers. Although what happened to those job offers is a story for another time.

The most exciting thing about waiting for graduation day is realizing that I am actually part of the recognition rites because of my scholarship grant. Unfortunately, I was unable to ge t on the stage to receive my award since I had an interview that day but I was still able to get my certificate and medal which I can bring to the graduation.

The days blurred into one another until suddenly, graduation day is here. The schedule for graduation is not that great because we were scheduled at 5:00PM to 8:00PM.

But the actual graduation did not start until way past 6:30PM. So by the time the ceremony ended, I just wanted to go home. I did not have many pictures from the graduation day because of that. I feel kinda sad that I was unable to take pictures with my bestfriends but at the time taking pictures was the last thing on my mind.

Anyway, the hassle of the graduatiom day aside, I was glad to finally be able to call myself a degree holder. After years of sleepless nights, I finally managed to get my diploma.