Zombie Writing Contest - Finish the Story <WIN STEEM or SBD>

in #zombieapocalypse6 years ago (edited)

Zombie Apocalypse Writing Contest


As you may know, many of us love zombie movies, stories, and contests. So why not combine it all and make up something to challenge our creativity right here on Steemit!

During one of our many discussions, @foxyspirit and I were talking about writing a combined story and make it about zombies. So Foxy had one of her visionary dreams and Part I is taken from that dream.

My job was to take on the middle of the story.

The object of this contest is to read both parts of the story and finish the story. Foxy an I will be the judges and the top three people will win STEEM for the best story.

So, let's begin with Foxy's Part I ...

Zombie Apocalypse - Part I


The sound of a nuclear alarm was what woke up foxy. She jumped out of bed and on to her feet, heart pounding in her chest. She then realized she had fallen asleep with the TV on and the movie, Silent Hill was playing. She sat back down on her couch waiting for her heart to slow down.

Running her hand through her hair, she looked at the time. 4am. 2 hrs left before the actual time she needs to be up. ‘Might as well stay up’ she thought.

She started the coffee machine and did her morning routine. She had an extra early start to her day.

Gave her time to go for a run.

She paced herself nicely. Worked up a bit of a sweat but not too much, she still had her appointment at the hospital to get to. She arrived just on time.

There were quite a bit more people checking in today, more than usual. A bit frantic, more than usual. Foxy walked passed everyone, trying not to look at some of them. It looked bad. Fast pacing her way to the left wing of the hospital, she made it to her appointment with a minute to spare. She was put in a room facing the hallway and was told to take a seat while waiting for the doctor.

She saw people running up and down the hallway. Heard cries. Foxy had a bad feeling and her instincts told her to get out.

She left and as she almost ran through the hospital doors, so did many others, and many more running in. People with blood on their arms and legs. Necks and faces were stained with dried blood and new blood. She heard the people’s cries, women, children and men alike. Foxy ran home.

She ran passed the parking lot and managed to trip over a stump, fall flat on her face. Scrapped her chin and cheekbone. Foxy turned around to look behind here. There shouldn’t have been a stump where she was. In shock, unable to scream in horror, Foxy scrambled, trying to back away as her eyes locked on those of a dead person. Empty and faded were the eyes that stared back at her. Mouth wide open and skin starting to dry. A sight that will forever haunt her.

Panic started to engulf her as she scurried to stand up. Her legs weak, feet trying to find grip to run away. She got snagged on something. The harder she pulled the more she was gripped. Foxy took a deep breath to help calm herself down. She looked back and let at a scream without a sound. The corpse she tripped over was now holding her foot down, climbing it’s way to be on top of her. The putrid smell and the awful sounds pushed the adrenaline forces in her. Her reflexes gained control, kicking this dead man’s head until it let go.

Foxy fought to get up as the zombie fought to grab hold of her once more. She stood up, took in a deep breath and yelled as she stomped on his head, breaking the skull as though she was stumping on pumpkin. Blood oozing out, creating a small river of blood following the bumps and cracks of the road into the sewage grates.

Foxy ran home, being careful to stay away from the public, taking the alley ways. Locking all the doors and windows, closing all the curtains, not making a sound.

She pushed her panic aside. Instead she sat on her bedroom floor and meditated in the ways her martial arts have taught her, regaining control and strength.

The times were changing. The world in chaos. Foxy new she had to plan. Food and weapons were the first things she would need to make it. Watching all those zombie shows came in handy.

She wanted to see how fast the virus was growing but knew that if she were to peak out the window, the zombies would spot her right away. Quietly she pulled down the ladder from the attic. Foxy made her way through the attic as quietly as possible. She wanted to be on top of the roof. Good thing she had a trap door made during renovations, although she never thought she would need it for this reason exactly.

Looking at the outside world around her was like if Foxy was watching it straight from the TV. Cars crashed into other vehicles, dead bodies lying on the ground. Dead bodies walking around. The constant sound of sirens screaming from all ends of the city.

“Psst. Psst. PSSSSST!”

Foxy snapped out of it. She looked to her left, there, was her neighbor, sitting on her roof as well.

“I hope you don’t mind me sitting here. My house got bombarded with them some time ago and got through the front door. I had the same idea to get on to the roof but thought it best if I jumped over. At least we won’t be alone in this”

“Eagle? Are you ok?” Foxy noticed blood on her arm, trickling down to her wrist and hand where she noticed she was carrying a gun.

To see Foxy's Part I click here.

Eagle's Thoughts

As you can see by the above writing, it was not easy continuing on with the story, I mean poor Eagle is dripping with blood and possibly bitten by a zombie, what was Foxy thinkin'?

So here we go with my Part II ...

Zombie Apocalypse - Part II


"Yeah, I'm okay, thanks Foxy. I just cut myself after I jumped through a closed window making my way up here. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, I just came up from my trap door. I stored food and water up here a long time ago. Just in case."

"Nice, I was able to get my prepper bag out with a few days of survival supplies and ammunition. Do you have any weapons?"

"I have a hatchet and a bow with some arrows, but I haven't practiced much."

"That's okay, maybe we can hide out here until everything calms down and we can make a way to my cabin up in the mountains. Do you have anywhere to go?"

"No, I don't ..."

Just then a few Blackhawk helicopters flew overhead and started shooting at them and they jumped into Foxy's house to take cover.

They heard moaning and shuffling footsteps downstairs and Foxy quickly but quietly closed the trapdoor. She looked at Eagle and had her finger over lips to keep silent.

Eagle nodded in agreement and they slowly poked their heads out of the rooftop door. More shots rang out and they both quickly moved inside the attic and pressed their bodies close to the wall.

Foxy whispered, "we're trapped, what should we do?"

"Let's just wait it out, we have no choice at this point. It looks as if the military is just shooting at everyone right now."

Off in the distance they could hear sirens and people talking over a loud speaker. The voice was saying, "if you can make your way to the hospital, get there quickly."

The message kept repeating itself and Foxy said,"I just came from the hospital and it was not a good scene, it was pure chaos. I would not go back there. Do you think it's a setup?"

"Probably, we need to wait until it gets dark and make our way out of town. I have an escape route with a motorcycle ready to go. If we can make it there, we are home free."

A few drops of blood hit the floor and Foxy saw Eagle's arm was still bleeding. Foxy suggested wrapping it up since the zombies might smell the blood. Eagle agreed. As Foxy was finishing up wrapping Eagle's arm they heard people screaming from their other neighbor's house.

Eagle said, "that sounds like its coming from Lisa's house. Let's go check." Eagle grabbed her gun and Foxy grabbed her bow and arrow.

As they both went onto the roof they noticed the helicopters had left and the street lights had come on. Peering off the roof Eagle noticed the streets were covered with bloodied half eaten bodies.

She quickly stepped back and got queasy from the sight. When she composed herself she managed to see Foxy running towards their neighbors home and barely heard Foxy say, "let's go, the baby!"

Eagle got up and started running too, although her gut said to stay put. They both reached the neighbor's house at the same time, but there was a big enough gap in between that all they could do was see their neighbor holding her baby and a zombie after her. It looked like a man was about to reach her when she screamed, "please take my baby," and threw the baby into the air in their direction.

Time seemed to slow down and then happen so fast that Eagle barely had time to react. It was all instinct at that point, when Foxy said hold onto this rope. Foxy had looped the rope around her waist, Eagle took the rope and wrapped it around the chimney.

As the baby flew into the air Foxy jumped into the air and caught the baby in her arms and slammed against the outer wall of her house. Eagle made sure the rope held secure and pulled Foxy back onto the roof.

As Eagle met Foxy's eyes when she got to the edge of the roof she said, "good job."

"You aren't so bad yourself Eagle."

They looked down at little baby Angela alive and cooing. Eagle looked over at the neighbor's rooftop and saw the man eating the intestines of the baby's mother like it was spaghetti.

Foxy said, "I think I'm gonna be sick, take the baby."

"No problem Foxy, do what you gotta do but get yourself together. We have a long road ahead of us, and now we have a baby to take care of."

They both made it back to Foxy's attic and packed up some supplies. Creating a makeshift backpack to fit the baby in they strapped that to Foxy's back and Eagle filled more food and water into her pack.

A crashing sound came from downstairs and they heard shooting.

Eagle whispered, "let's get the Hell out of here, Now!"

"Let's do it, the baby is sleeping."

"Good timing, let's stick to the plan. Follow me to the motorcycle, it isn't far. We can do this!"

Eagle sensed Foxy's fear but she her back. They proved they could get through this and make it to safety if they worked as a team.

"No worries Eagle, we got this!"

As they both made it across two rooftops and down a fire escape down to street level they heard a noise to their right. It looked like a bum, but as the person came into the light they could see it was a zombie with milky white eyes and reaching for the baby.

Within a flash Eagle pulled out her gun and shot the zombie straight into it's pituitary gland twice. It barely had time to moan as it hit the ground dead.

"Good shot," Foxy whispered.

"Thanks, now let's hurry. We aren't too far."

They both hurried off into the alleyway and made their way to the covered motorcycle.

Eagle took off the cover and told Foxy, "the sound might attract attention so we have to move fast."


Eagle got the key out of her boot, gave Foxy her helmet to put on, got onto the motorcycle and asked, "are you ready?"

Foxy quickly checked the baby and saw Angela was still asleep, Foxy put on her helmet, and gave a thumbs up.

Eagle started the motorcycle and was glad she had always checked to make sure to keep it in tip top shape. It was always good to be prepared.

The soft purr of the motorcycle engine was the quietest she could find on the market. It was the best that could be done in emergency situations. She motioned for Foxy to jump on.

Foxy jumped onto the bike and Eagle drove onto the streets she hoped were unpopulated. It was always difficult to plan that part, since they lived in a populated town.

There were zombies everywhere, sirens, and military tanks. Eagle got them to the old main road that not many used anymore, and that was when the huge explosion took them by surprise ...


  • Use the tag #zombieapocalypse.

  • Write a blog from 800 to 1500 words finishing the Zombie Apocalypse Story.

  • Title your Blog, "Zombie Writing Contest - Part III."

  • Enter the link of your blog entry in the comment section of this post.

  • Art is acceptable and may get you extra points but is not necessary.

  • It is not mandatory upvote this contest to enter the contest. If you you can afford an upvote, it is appreciated.

  • To help make this post reach others in the Steemit community, please resteem.


  • 1 STEEM or 1 SBD for First Place.

  • 1 STEEM or 1 SBD for Second Place.

  • 1 STEEM or 1 SBD for Third Place.

  • This contest will close by the end of this post and payout will be announced in a separate post shortly thereafter.

Good luck and have fun!

NOTE: This contest is being hosted by @eaglespirit and @foxyspirit. If you should have questions, please feel free to contact us through Discord.


I saved a baby! woohoo! GO me ! LOL. Loved it Eagle! Now lets tell everyone :p

yes you did! yeah get the word out because i sure did ...

Thank you so much @earthmother :D XXX

I have it resteemed and added to the contests of various communities.

I will join as well as I love Zombie movies and shows!

thank you MAVE, we can't wait to see what you come up with! Woop!

Of course I am always a supporter

yes you are ... yes ... you ... areeee :p

Woohoo! Glad you are joining in on the fun. Always need a good man in a duo of ladies :p haha

Thanks for sharing it as well Mave, highly appreciated.

Of course I would always support you ladies!

Mave, only 2 days left. We have 1 entry so far, chances are good to get some extra steem moolah. :p

i feel like @cryptosharon would be great for this;)

Oh yeah she would be perfect for it!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

thank you so much!

Wow there's some fun things to play with in these stories. Maybe I'll pick it up after all....

Also, a baby!!! Man you are making it real tough for the main characters :P

I know right!! So many avenues to take, I can't wait to see what you come up with, maybe add Opal in there somewhere? Hee Hee
Yeah, the baby part can get gruesome IMO. :p

I agree with @eaglespirit. Opal can maybe drag you to safety or help find you some food and water. Lot's of ideas there.

Hey eon, friendly reminder, 2 days left :p

What an idea :) Great! Zombies are always good inspiration. I will try to do something :)

hey! glad you think so, now get to writin! buahahaah
zombies are awesome and i am sure you will give us something good! :)

2 days left to write something up ^_^

Dangerous Movie

what movie ... don't spam on my post please.

Scary Movie, must not watch!!!

🤔 🤨 😐 😑 😶 🙄 😏 😣 😥 😮 🤐 😯 😪 😫

LOL ya movie.... Are you going to participate? Would love to see what you would come up with ^_^

I Should! I used to be a good writer, for a kid.
I once found a single page from a Sci-Fi monthly, it had a final line from a pun and I was so entertained by the punchline that I manufactured a Whole Story just to fit the punchline. I was proud of myself for coming up with SOMETHING that fit that. Hmmm...

😋 😎

hey @underground, if you got the time, there are only 2 days left to put something up. I just know you will come up with something good :D

That seems very interesting. I would very much enjoy reading something from you :3

hey we need your support and entry DD 🍆

em, maybe you both can write ...

I enjoyed how you were able to continue on with the story and provide a great part two for others to continue on from, hopefully to create maybe the next zombie movie? :P

thank you, we hope you will write something as we need participants :)

I hope to enter in soon.

please do! no one has entered yet! :(

2 days left!