Two Key Tenets of Zionist Power

in #zionism4 years ago

Zionist power depends on these 2 key tenets:

1.)Domestic Liberalism/Cultural Zionism in occupied countries

2.) Zionist territorial expansion

Zionists need these two in balance with each other in order to maintain power. Sometimes too many resources and money is dedicated to one tenet and not enough in another. They will need to remove water from one tenet and add to another in order to keep the balance in power. It is a delicate balancing act that is vital to their survival.

For example, if too much is dedicated to Cultural Zionism as what is happening currently. Zionists will fail to expand their power. The current losses in wars with Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iraq point to this. Failure to expand the borders of the Zionist entity in the Levant has caused a demographic crisis in Israel. For the first time, Israel's Jewish population dropped below 74%. High population density is destroying the fertility of secular Jews while the fertility of Ultra-Orthodox is the same. The Zionist entity will need to expand its borders soon or it will face a demographic crisis similar to other highly densely populated nations like Singapore or Hong Kong.

This isn't just limited to territorial expansion in the Levant but also over more countries to be controlled by Zionist agents. One goal of Chabad Lubavitch is to find keep the Jewish diaspora alive and growing. Another goal of Chabad is to have the Jewish diaspora gain positions of influence in their host country in order to control them for the benefit of the Zionist project. The more countries they control, the bigger the fighting force they have to be used against their enemies.

There are times where Zionists dedicate too much to Zionist territorial expansion and too little to Domestic Liberalism. Territorial expansion helps to expand Zionist power over more of the globe but runs the risk of losing power over countries they already control.

Domestic Liberalism is about breaking down societal bonds. The goal of Whiteness studies, White privilege, white fragility and other critical race theory nonsense is not simply to engender hatred of Whites in Non-Whites. That is a side-effect. The main purpose is to lower the moral self-confidence of Whites so they don't gain the moral courage and solidarity to overthrow the occupation.

This isn't just a weapon to be used against Whites even if they are the primary concern of Zionists. It is used against other populations that they view as problematic. 'Chinese Privilege' seminars are pushed by private institutions in Singapore and Malaysia. The New Left in Japan even had an ideology of Anti-Japaneseism which called for the extermination of the Japanese race for being inherently imperialistic.

Breaking the moral self-confidence and solidarity through critical race theory. Creating more antagonisms by breaking the homogeneity of nations through mass immigration. Creating more artificial identities through the promotion of gender ideology, and bugmen consumer culture. These are the ways of ensuring countries are too divided amongst each other to unite against the Zionist-Occupied Government. These programs and policies are not done mostly through State action but through private institutions. It takes a lot of money, time, and resources to set up the all-encompassing Anti-White narrative propaganda that infects the complete human condition from cradle to grave. The anti-white propaganda that Hollywood and media companies put out is a net cost to them and don't make a profit. The more they invest in this tenet of power, the less they have for their other tenet of power.

The key to defeating the Zionist entity is to weaken the 2 key tenets that keep them in power. Zionists may think they are all-powerful and Gods on Earth. However, they are a paper tiger that can be defeated by people of high moral courage and an unbreakable bond of solidarity. The Houthis in Yemen and the Taliban in Afghanistan point this fact out.