French Jews named by major Chinese media

in #zionism4 years ago

On March 24th, 2021, a major Chinese media company, Guancha (The Observer, if translated to English, but no relations to the newspaper with that name). The media company has 17 million followers on Weibo. It published a video on one of their channels calling out a Jewish family in France for pushing the Uyghur genocide as a way to separate China and the Islamic world. For context on the popularity of Guancha. Xinhua, one of the largest news outlets in China has 76 million followers on Weibo, China Daily has 61 million and Global Times has 23 million.

Raphael Glucksmann is the Jew in question seething in French at Zheng Ruolin, author and columnist in the video.

Text of post

【中方制裁的欧洲“人杈教师爷” ,曾引恐怖分子入法,散播新疆假新闻。(言归郑传·郑若麟)】昨天,中国外交部宣布中方对散播所谓“新疆人权”假消息的欧洲人进行制裁,警告他们不要以“人权教师爷”自居,干涉别国内政。今天,我想讲讲其中被制裁的一位欧洲议员格鲁克斯曼。他们一家都是犹太人,曾把车臣难民引到法国,后来发生了法国教师遭到车臣恐怖分子砍头的悲剧。现在又来“控诉”中国,编造新疆的假新闻,借着“人权”之名,屡次挑起穆斯林和其他族裔的矛盾,这些人究竟安得什么心呢?


[China sanctions European "human rights experts" that once led terrorists into France and spread fake news about Xinjiang] Yesterday, Chinese ministry of foreign affairs announced sanctions on the Europeans who spread the so called "Xinjiang human rights" fake news, warning them not to use their positions as "human rights experts" to interfere with other nation's internal affairs. Today I wish to speak of one individual under sanction, Glucksmann. His whole family is Jewish, they once brought Chechen refugees into France, and later on we see the tragedy of a French teacher being beheaded by Chechen terrorists. Now they make accusations of China, fabricating fake news about Xinjiang, and using the name of "human rights" to provoke tension between Muslims and other ethnic groups. How can these people be at peace?

The video was uploaded to Youtube, although the star of David has since been removed. (Chinese domestic version, exact same video)

There are no subtitles, but I'll translate what I consider the highlight of the video:

 Starting from 5:40 to 6:05
"China has always supported justice. On the question of the Middle East, I will not comment on who is just and who is not. However the Western human rights experts, especially the Jewish strategic experts such as the Glucksmann father and son, they understood early on that causing hostile relations between China and Islam is what benefits the interests of Jews and Israel."

Some select comments on the video from behind the great firewall for your amusement:

I am not a conspiracy theorist but I want to say this. There is still a nomadic civilization in this world: They are good at propaganda (the biggest victims of WWII), they are good at business (the merchant of Venice), they love parasitization (The Knowledge King (Trump)'s son in law, Sleepy Joe's daughter in law), and they are aggressive (Palestine). I have no intention to maliciously speculate on others, but many "pro-China" content creators on this site have Jewish backgrounds. I hope everyone can stay alert. (I ask their fans not to flame me) Nomadic civilizations that eat away all the grass before leaving have a deep hatred for agrarian civilizations like us.

Have you guys noticed, what we often come to know is "Jewish persecution, the world owes the Jews, the Jews are the smartest"? Who knows how many media groups large and small are controlled by them. Now any time anyone speaks of the Jews they think "smart, good with business and a better person" This type of subtle influence is terrifying, we must wake up!

The Jews have always bet on both sides. Back in the day, there were plenty of Jews in the Soviet Union. Even in ancient China, we were scammed by the Jews. We must remain alert! All the Pro-China Europeans and Americans you see on this site are often Jews. Their faces did not look like this thousands of years ago! The Jews noticed that the world is about to shift. It's time they marry an Asian wife to change their faces, so that they may continue to parasitize.

The victims of WWII were first the Soviets, then the Chinese! There are also a few million gypsies. (Author's note: based if true) Because the Jews control the media, they spend every day speaking of their victimhood. The federal reserve was established by Jews, the chairman of the federal reserve are all Jews, and ten senior cabinet members of Biden are Jews. All of Biden's kids are married to Jews, the secretary of state is a Jew, and Trump's son-in-law is a Jew. I haven't said a single conspiracy theory, these are all truths.

The rhetoric from the video seems to have trickled down to various content creators from China. For example here is the content creator Brother Lei, directly naming the Andre Glucksmann of the Glucksmann father and son, 2 days later. Although it should be noted that among the Chinese there doesn't seem to be a huge taboo on noticing in the first place, so this is not unusual.