Zappl Is Over 90% Funded!!! Less then 2300 Zappl left.
We would like to inform everyone Zappl is now 94.63% funded.
There are now less then 2300 Zappl that are left on the market.
Because of the recent volatility in the markets and costs of exchanging crypto we're seeking to sell the remaining ZAPPL for 1 SBD each.
There's currently only 2,254.65 Zappl left on the Bitshares market.
Once again we would like to thank you for the support and are looking forward to finishing up the Crowd Sale and getting Zappl to everyone as soon as possible.
Crowd sale to fund development of
All of the asset left:
1 ZAPPL for 1 SBD
You can currently find the asset at: - No more available.
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Bringing A Twitter Like Service to SteemIt.
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@thedegensloth, @steemitqa , and @zappl
Trying to close your sale out, but can't. I have BTS, BTC, XRP, SBD, and Steem. What gives!!!
Not sure the only pair left is
Also id check to make sure you have the right fee set for the purchase.
Thank you for posting @zappl.
Well is coming right along.
Appreciated your assistance........order is completed. ^_^
All the best to your endeavors. Cheers.
Thanks @bluejay for all your support! Looking forward to making zappl! ZAP!
Thank you for your reply @steemitqa.
It is a pleasure to be a part of this endeavor.
bleujay has been anticipating the arrival of such a service.....and Zappl sounds the very thing.
All the best to you and Zappl. Cheers.
Thanks for the support!
Just grabbed 550 more!
WOW nice @decentralizd
Thanks for all you are doing for supporting Zappl! Also, thanks for stopping into discord!
I picked up 85.000 SBD of ZAPPL. I'm looking forward to this project. Thanks for all your hard work, @zappl!
Well thanks for the contribution to the project.
@kommienezuspadt thanks for your support!
Continued Congratulations. Gonna Zapple so hard.
Well thanks for the support @jacobts
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
This is going to be some Marketing tag line we'll have to use!
Awesome! I happily accept a standard WGA creative commission of .00000000000000000000000000000000000001% per impression. ;)
They are saving the best bits for last. Trust me ;)
Hmms maybe so...
Zap some bits! :)
Great, I've just stocked up to 25 Zappl. Really looking forward to seeing it happen.
Thanks for the contribution @shortcut !
thanks @shortcut !
If you're not sure just how to use bitshares:
Easy way of doing it is making an account at

Make sure your header of the site looks like this:
If your header don't say switch to advanced then you need to click switch to basic
You will then get a page that looks like this:
You find your wallet for the currency you want to use and deposit to that.
Then use to buy SBD and send to your account.
Or you just send SBD to your account if you already have it.
If you run into any trouble let us know and we will be more then happy to help you out.
OMG HERE it is !!! That's what I needed to read because I didn't know about the switching. I don't understand why it all can't be less complicated for new people in this world. Step by step I get there to figure all out alone
Yeah the bitshares sites aren't really to use friendly that's for sure.
I am still trying. I couldn't log in and don't know why but wanted to buy some of those
Login issues were not to sure about I'm sure someone here in the chat should be able to help you out though.
My friend @edje gave me some advice I will look into right now. If it's still not working out please help me.
If we're able to we will.
Couldn't log in. No idea why. I created a BTS fir my trails but somehow I can't get in . I just don't know how to get those zappls 🙀😭
Did you see the top post ? Sorry to hear it!
I got 99 Zappls but a buck aint one!
That is 100 Zappls minus 1
I am looking forward to some zappl fun
Come on people lets complete the zappl crowd fund!
Thanks for your contribution to the development of Zappl.