On hard work --- Do what is required of you, and then more if you can!

in #zappl7 years ago

I will prepare, and someday, my time will come.

In any business, profession or occupation in life, there comes a time when we're called on to deliver. Even though you can easily fake it for a while and get by, pretending you're being honest with it all, eventually, you will be measured by your deeds, not by your words. And it could get pretty weird if you're more of a talker than a doer.

Sure, it appears you may be able to drift through by not doing more than what is required of ya, and it's working. Who knows? you might have been limiting yourself for oh so long. You never will find out what could have happened should you have given it a bit more. The greatest opportunities always go to the people who have an affinity for hard work. No those who're allergic to it!

Do your stuff, diligently!


Diligence and consistency is key to achieving greatness....

Men who have reached greatness didn't do that by being mediocres. They built their empires by doing the same thing day after day with innovations and discipline.

This is the bedrock of success.

work smart

Thanks for stopping by

Its always better to be prepared for opportunities before they come calling

Absolutely. else, you miss out on them

I think if we look out well, opportunities are always knocking at our doors.

Everytime. one has to be open to them.