Traditional house is rare
This rare traditional house is only found in one of the remote villages of the mountains of Flores Island. Its unique shape conical with 15 meters high and there are 5 floors in it.

Conservation efforts Mbaru Niang also received the highest award with cultural heritage category from UNESCO Asia Pacific in 2012. Yori Antar also as one of the leading architects in Indonesia took part in the conservation of this traditional house. In its construction, the pole is planted into the ground of 1.5 meters to 2 meters. With a ground floor shaped stage, 1.2 from the ground. The poles of each floor are continuous but are installed cut off and tied. Rattan is used as a binder between the blocks. The five floors in the house have their respective functions. Ground floor as a place to stay and gather, second to store groceries and goods. Then on the third floor where the seeds of food crops like corn rice. Fourth floor for food stock in case of drought and the top floor is used for place offerings offerings to the ancestors...
Indah pemandangan
Sangat indah
What a beautiful place. I am glad that it is conserved or that it has been considered cultural heritage. Good post
In uganda , we use hut buildings as for tradition style