One image, four moods. Which one is the best?
I can't decide which version of this pic I like best, but am intrigued by the four different moods created.
Which one is your favorite and why?

I can't decide which version of this pic I like best, but am intrigued by the four different moods created.
Which one is your favorite and why?
My favorite one would have to be the first one cause I don't know I'm feeling tired n dark. Nice photo tho
good to match yer mood with your choice thanks !
the first one is closest to the way the scene that I photographed.
Like them all ~ But if I have to have a favorite, it's the one on the bottom left. The touch of dark blue-gray adds a mystic to the image. 🦋
thanks ally!
Definitely the 4th one for me ,best atmosphere 3rd is okay too
thanks kotex
can i edit your picture @dreamstream once again?
sure, go for it

Nice post