Coffee Morning
The habitual of acehnese in the morning is drinking coffee. It's called coffee morning.Even,if there are people who visit Aceh,if they're not dringking coffee is something that should be questioned.Let's drink coffee in Aceh.

The habitual of acehnese in the morning is drinking coffee. It's called coffee morning.Even,if there are people who visit Aceh,if they're not dringking coffee is something that should be questioned.Let's drink coffee in Aceh.
Really, a good cup of coffee
Thank you like a cup of coffee?
Mantap bg @azwardjafar
Ngopi kita?
Bole bg yok mariii hehehe
apa yang terjadi pada dunia...andai kopi menghilang dan punah...
Nah itu dia.....kopi identik dengan ciri khas keACEHan