What cha' gonna do.....

When a Robot Takes your job?
notice I didn't say IF?
I was talking to my son about that very thing a few hours ago
(gotta love unlimited long distance)
...he asked that question.
I asked him if he'd ever heard of Universal Basic Income.
He said
but what are people going to do with all that free time?
Whatcha gonna do...
If you can do WHAT you want to.
If no one TELLS you what to?
Can you handle the decision?
Will the stress of not being stressed be too great?
Huh? Tell me.
I haven't heard you talk about this...sounds like you support it?
not so much support it as can't see an alternative that doesn't involve the moral equivalent of genocide.
I'm all in favor of UBI as long as the rest of the corrupt social safety net is ripped to shreds...er, consolidated. Give the middle class the same benefits that those whose primary work...is not working... get. My family is full of cops and they deal with the dregs who do nothing but research how to exploit every possible government benefit they can...local...state...federal.
I also think it'll help spark new businesses, especially with the corporate tax cuts.
I hope it happens... but it won't happen until it has to. It makes too much sense. It would also make a flat tax more palatable to the liberal masses.
Have you ever heard of the Cloward-Piven Strategy...the cause of many of the problems your family cops face.
I presumed this was already occurring with zap postings.. 😂😂😂
super writing.....zap
maybe try to reinvent ourselves in time before we lose everything. eventually most jobs will be taken by robots, and its already starting, i was passed by one of google autonomous cars
no kidding?
my son and I were talking about HIS son (my grandson)
who is totally UNinterested in learning how to drive a car.
all he cares about is transportation.
getting from point A to point B...
as cheaply and safely as possible
getting a fancy car
to impress the girls
and spend most of his income on
is so
pretty soon he won't have to.
autonomous cars from Uber...Lyft..and others
I was very similar...I almost bought a Honda Fit...oof...
Luckily a little "convincing" from my significant other (who sure as hell didn't want to be seen in that pile of junk) changed my mind.
It's been a long time now, I'm far more interested in the mechanics of the car, and I'm more attracted to a little flash. Don't know if it's an age or mid-life crisis sort of thing...I don't overthink it.
But I can't wait for autonomous cars either...it'd be nice to be able to relax during a long road trip...and maybe drive down airline prices.
26 hours running, no need for what I wrote to be remembered…. I will surely die out.
are you saying that you derive your reason for living from you JOB?
Work provided reward, greater effort and luck which you make greater rewards, but a reason for living could never be alone all derived from any job in my view. But the absence of work itself, idleness, boredom, apathy and depression are consequences. A job does promote a level of well-being, take that away what fills the void. I am tired..does that make any sense?
I've been retired for three years.
I haven't missed having a job one bit.
Me too even longer (ten years plus)... I see where you are coming from. But I wasn't trying to apply to myself. I am aware of the anti-work theories that all work is misery, all suffering comes from it and we must stop working to end this or something like that. I guess I don't fully buy into that. We may be retired from the job, but we keep busy and never stop. I can's imagine eternal leisure or every day of every week is a Saturday. From my few weeks here you are working your varied gifts and that is a beautiful thing.
I've heard it said
that TRUE success is being paid to play.
Absolutely...not at all (just miss the action, sometimes, the rest forgetaboutit).