
It's only my two cents, digest it with all the other comments you receive. I am very wary of the 10 vote advice to new fish, they will hold onto that thought for a long time.

I made an edit so anyone new seeing this knows I believe as you grow you should vote more, and that there are differing opinions on it. I just know I made some of the mistakes like not fully understanding things like good and bad bots. I got drained where my vote was worth 0 in two days. And didn't understand so I started researching and I still voted but it took me over a month to get back up to 80% or higher, I still haven't made it back to 100% yet. Got close because I was busy for two days and was hardly on, but I will never be 100% powered up because I can't help but vote for the great content on the site. I read so much crap too though and see so much stolen content. We will be address that issue in an upcoming lesson too.

More power to Yunk University. I've made the mistake of automating my vote and being drained to nothing. It really sucks because you get repowered on a percentage basis, so the lower you go, the slower it returns. Peace.

that was really my motivation to write this piece because of my mistake thinking it would help me but it really hurt me.

I will just wirte similar same response as I have given "wakeupsheeps", in case you didn't see above reply:

You don't get the sliding scale till 500 but also your vote is worth 1-5 cent until then,so by not voting others but only themsleves you don't earn anything. That even more supports the fact that you should vote at leat 30 times a day. It is not just about money here. It is about showing appreciation and support towards other writers' content. Top show that they have loyal following they can count on when they post something, regardless if they earn much from that support or not.
IMO, if soemone is greedy holding their power over 80% or not voting more than 10 votes a day, then they should not expect other to be altruistic towards themselves and reciprocate on their posts.
Also, the power never goes lower than about 30% regardless how many votes you have cast.

Self post voting is a must. Self comment voting is a no-no.
Also commenting on others post without a vote is considered greedy or smap commenting to fish potential following or vote back while not giving anything.
Unless the comment was a criticism, thenthere is no need to vote on the post you don't like.