Yunk Can't Be Bought - It Can't be Taken - It is a community and you can contribute

in #yunk8 years ago (edited)

I am absolutely going rogue here. Yunkzilla, Saywha and Siragrays, have no idea I am posting this, but i think its important I speak up. Yunk is a community. Sure it started as a meme, but it evolved. It is not about making YUNK puns, or yunking so hard you yunk your self.

Yunk is a community that was created by a stellar group of people on steemit chat. I wasn't even there the night the meme was born. My contribution to YUNK was "hamming" the newly minted tag with content because Yunkzilla wanted it to stop. I was trolling and yet here we are.

Screenshot 2017-08-02 01.08.02.png

Screenshot 2017-08-02 01.14.58.png


Hi StellaBelle. I am returning your 20 sbd as YUNK cannot be bought. I don't know if this was your intention, but this is how it came across. It is a community and I am in no way responsible for its development - the people are. If you pay me you should be paying the whole yunkmmunity. I do invite you to continue to contribute content and participate in the yunks and I sincerely hope you do. Best wishes.

I did mean what I said in a previous post, yunk changed how I view steemit and I stand by the idea of creating an open and welcoming community that is about producing quality content, guiding others and working together. There are many opportunities to be had by all when very talented people join a community and can collaborate. This is what yunk has been for me.

This isn't the first time someone has come in with the idea of making yunk viral or a fad, or try and claim it as their own. It wont be the last. It is up to the yunkmmunity to build together as a whole.

The true creators and currators of YUNK:

@acidyo @kryptik @liflorence @allfabeta @joythewanderer @elliotjgardner @saywha @mobbs @clevercreator @holoz0r @cali-girl @siragrays @atopy @anarchrysalis @ura-soul @gardenbsquared @atopy @crypto2day @jasonrussell @tecnosgirl @digital-gypsy @azaan @fishmon @krazykrista @timeshiftarts @blueorgy @roadscape @drakos @jwolf @therneau @hms818 @xainba @cayce @ekavieka @yunkzilla @shrey @yunkard @steemitadventure @fukako @granturismo89 @rockchickjen @yassine @lexxikon082 @jawaida @dwhntx @apsu @interceptor @sieses @stellabelle, @kevinwong @beyondthecrypto @holoz0r @crypto2day @reneenouveau @acedt @azaan @finnian @mikeoftulsa @flashbig @stefen @tabea @yassine @smartphone @miggyfr @empath

I am sure there are tons of people I forgot. Feel free to tag anyone in the comments. SBD Payout from this post will be given back to the community through minnow booster and randowhale, promoting the good content that Yunkers create.

I am aware of the consequences in making this post and I dont care, it needs to be said.

Yunk Cannot Be Bought - It Cannot Be Taken - It Is A Community For All

<3 @satchmo


yunk is no ones tool
yunk is not malicious
yunk is for building bridges not drawing lines
yunk is not about winning
yunk is not exclusive
yunk is not selective
yunk holds no judgement
yunk has no ego

This post received a 4.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @satchmo! For more information, click here!

how can someone randow comments LOL

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I like your spirit satch.


@satchmo you are one of the core members of the birthing and spreading of what we all have wanted #yunk to be.

Even though you were not there the night the trolling commenced, you have helped nurture the idea into the community it has started to become.

The community is amazing and is growing at an infectious speed. It is something none of us saw happening, but we have to embrace it as all who are introduced to #yunk are (not saying you don't).

This is a movement, a community, and a new direction for users on SteemIt to take to be a part of something magnificent!

You are extremely humble, What you did was just, and I totally see where you are coming from... but you ARE one of the core "spreaders" and a shining light in what the ideals of the #yunk community embodies...

and that should be worth something (even if it isn't in SBD)...

Love ya Yunk-Bae 😉

@crypto2day you embody the yunk spirit and it's intent wonderfully. I love your spirit and your growth in yunk and for yunk. <3

We are all in this together...

and share the same spirit 😉

Thank you for saying such <3

This is the third time today I'm writing this (must be the heat or im just extra chaty today)....I don't wanna be a gray person writing a gray blog in my gray box watching for the upvotes and fishing for new views. You did what felt like doing and said what needed to be said cuz you are not "gray" yourself. Kudos. :)

Thank you. Im very much appreciate that!

Yunk is every stuff. Glad to be a part of if.

OMG How have I not seen this before! Great post. I am fairly new but this community of yunkers has made my time all the more worthwhile so I firmly believe that though it grew from a hilarious joke. It has really become something worth your time. The community is growing and so is yunk. It is honestly an honor to be a part of such a wonderful thing!

Great work Satch!

it's not just me it's everyone!

As always, and many of people here know I take my time to comment on things so people might find me everywhere and get a HUGE comment from me like 3 days after their post, or right away if those 3 hours I take to read are not divided into my work and family.

Regarding this, I was still confused of all this pretty much because I realized I had that money yesterday night, and just found out about your post today like 3 hours ago. I don't know stellabelle's intentions, and I wont take any side, as you know me satchmo I usually discuss anything regarding yunk with the members, or the board, some people have asked me IF I AM YUNK or YUNKZILLA is yunk and I get sick repeating that I am not. YUNK is a community for all, and It was born from the minds of all, and it can be what you want it to be. HOWEVER yunk will never be anything that marginalizes one group or makes one group better than other. WHY? and HOW I know this? SIMPLY because I was there next to all of those people who gave yunk a part of them to be created and saw how no one wanted credit, insulted anybody, or tried to use yunk to oppress anyone.

YUNK can't be bought with money or saying nice things to the people, but yes you can cooperate to yunk a better place. If you want your projects to be support by YUNK remember YUNK is not only one person, and you can't try to pressure everybody to think the way you think, yes people can find a common ground or an agreedment to work with yunk, as it accepts opinions.

However you can't come to yunk and act in one way an expect everybody will agree with you simply because everybody is different within it, yunk can't be used as a gun, or insult of a force to shame others. IF you had a fight with someone (a small group) who happened to be part of it REMEMBER, everybody is different everywhere.

As for the money I will give it too most members of YUNK, 1 SBD per whale. 20 members. WHO? people you are truly yunkers. (No copied content, original, no spammy, no trolls, no people who spam others to get followers.) And Yes I do see everybody with in YUNK, and Yes I do make mistakes. But I make sure the error is 5% margin off error like any other project or business. How? I take notes and make list of everything.

As I said I dont hate anybody and I still think we need to find a common factor inside yunk.

you are the cutest, 5% margin LOL <3 ... There are no sides to take @siragrays the only reason the screenshots were included is because a post was made regarding those 'paid' . Didn't sit right.

There appears to be a misunderstanding so let me explain why I sent a contribution to you. As I was researching the history of Yunk (I had learned of it from @empath, as he showed up at our local Bitcoin School), I was very curious about this concept, and spent most of the night studying and reading up on everything I could. It was at this time that I read @siragray's post that identified the users that had originated the concept of yunk. As I was not involved in that origination, and I would be writing about it, I wanted to give a gift of gratitude, because the yunk thing really got me thinking deeply about a number of topics. And i gave them as gifts, because I appreciated it very much. Your idea of "buying yunk" or however you interpreted it was a shock to me, because anyone who knows me well, here and on Steemit, knows that i give gifts when I feel the desire to show my gratitude. It's why i gave clevercreator some steem, and the guy who needed a well built in his village. I use this platform as a way to show my gratitude. I am very sorry that you didn't understand my intentions, or saw them as something else. I felt happy and wanted people to know that I appreciated their efforts to bring something nice into the world. Giving gifts is something that the Steemit platform has made very easy and frictionless to do. And the last thing in the world I would want is for anyone to feel uncomfortable. But my intentions were to show gratitude, and I am still very grateful that this idea has come into Steemit.

Is it my idea? The biggest gift you can give is curating quality content, using minnow booster and randowhale. 80 dollars could have gone a longer way for 80 people. Appreciate the gesture. In future i also ask that you talk to me directly through steemit chat instead of seeking a mediator who cannot speak for me. You are #YUNK Stella if you want to be!

I think she 20 SBD for being awesome. :)

hahaha thanks! but #YUNK is for all!