My Top Truther YouTube Channels - LiveStream
My Top Truther YouTube Channels - LiveStream

In order to bring some positive thoughts and unite the truther community rather than divide. I am going to go over my favorite YouTube truther channels and ONLY TRY to say nice things. I can't guarantee I will only say nice things but I am going to do my best. Anyways people ask me often to plug other channels, and of my opinion of certain truthers so here it is. All of them.
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Steemians mentioned in my video:
@fulltimegeek @stellabelle @corbettreport @reallygraceful @sheilaaliens @pressfortruth @lukewearechange @mes @thelightreports @gamesexposed @run2christ @tyrannyunmasked @thehoneybee @verbal-d @thepholosopher @larkenrose @pizzagategear
Two people that YouTube unsubscribed me from for no reason at all were "Black Cube Mystery" and "Defango" I would have put both of them on the list of channels I like but I forgot about them because YouTube unsubscribed me from them. I have people who send me messages on the regular who tell me they were unsubscribed from my channel for no good reason either. Seems YouTube is using bots to lower view counts and subscribers. If I missed anyone else please don't take it personally and start commenting like:

As for links to the 80 something YouTube channels I mentioned. I am going to go ahead and ask you to use this thing called a search bar, and if you enter information into it, magically you can find these channels yourself. You can also see my publicly available to view subscription list and click on the other channels that way.
Peace everyone and thanks for watching my live stream.
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- Titus Frost YouTube
- Lulz Machine YouTube
- Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
- FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
- "TitusFrost"
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- My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
- TitusFrost
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Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...

You can also connect with me on:
- My Patreon
- Titus Frost YouTube
- Lulz Machine YouTube
- Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
- FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
- "TitusFrost"
- My Vid.Me Channel
- My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
- TitusFrost
- BitChute
- Check out my book on OpenLibrary
- Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online
man titus, I know what you mean. Since I started my channel, I have had subscribers telling me they were unsubscribed without their permission. I have massive trolls crushing me on my latest SpaceX hoax landing video lol. Can't wait for Steem to light it up! Keep up the great work my friend!
Thanks for the shout-out! I was in the chat for a while speaking some truth. It was fun.
I'm still racking my head as to why you were livestreaming from a boat at 1 o'clock in the morning. lol
Keep spreading love. Take care compadre.
And I thought I new of all the channel out there. You mentioned at least 3 i have to check out now. Thanks Titus!
Thank you so much for this list! Been wanting to follow more people that spread the truth on whats going on in this insane world we live in.
Please look at my latest post and get this Information out.
There's two here I'm not familiar with. I'll be sure to check em out. Thanks.
Thanks for that, too...and all you do for that what matters. You got balls. Keep it up.
Thanks for this! It can be very tricky navigating these days. You, honeybee, and Jake Morphonios (ETNR) are my favorite investigative journalists.
a lot of them I follow already, others I definitely gonna check them out! if you also have them here on steemit, can you link them here? would be awesome to follow them here as well! thx!
Thanks so much for including me- I am honored and grateful TF!
censorship is real. It's crazy to see people giving us (knowingly or unknowingly)- a bunch of truth and then throwing a huge wrench in the gears, or falling back into the spell of new age monism. I'm personally glad Youtube censorship happened to me as I was only woke to space deception in the last year, and I immediately went nuts uploading to youtube (in hopes of giving my friends and family One place to view the same things that had opened my eyes)...
As soon as I did a compilation on the Florida shooting inconsistencies, I was deleted, and since then deleted twice more. Apparently people can be blacklisted. Necessity has forced me over to this community. Thank you for all your work and hopefully things will be different here. Much love and evolution of questioning!