Black Eyed Kids Or Alien Hybrids? What Do You Belive?

in #youtube6 years ago

Is it just an urban legend or something more?
Black-eyed kids look just like average everyday kids, but they have pale skin and black soulless eyes.
Some experiences claim that the children look lost, abandoned, sometimes they even ring your doorbell.
The stories from experiencers supposedly span back to the 1950s, but in 1996 an online post written by Texas reporter Brian Bethel brought these entities into the public eye. In 1996 he claimed that he encountered two of these black-eyed children on the streets of Abilene, Texas. Now, to be honest, its a bit hard to find any good evidence of these beings. In the slight chance that it is possible, I have a theory about what these kids could really be...

Steemit community! What do you believe these entities could be? Or is this just another creepypasta gone viral? Share your thoughts and theories down below.