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RE: YouTube Like Video Site Pays For Videos ~ Comments And Interaction

in #youtube7 years ago

Interesting stories. Our mortgages have been public record. Who cares what age the sellers were. The transactions were run through legitimate real estate agents and banks.

We were run off from NY due to harassment and vandalism out of control. All you "good people" inciting harm and harassment on my family.

In Michigan here we are surrounded by country folk. People dont listen to nasty little trolls like in NY.

Its harder for you to get the authorities to act on your lies here isnt it?

Now I dont know where you get these "dontation" ideas but well, you are TROLL.


another lie. you were EVICTED from pine bush cuz you didnt keep up the land payments. you even said so yourself reid.and you didnt have a mortgage there. it was a land contract.and admit it,mommy and daddy had EVERYTHING to do with you getting a mortgage in mi. after you left mrs. wrights property a total shithole garbage dump.

Another grayed out comment.

Well people - it would appear that if they had real complaints against me that I was truly guilty of - then just maybe they would not block my answers.

But trolls will be trolls. They do not want my side of the story told.

So they come here to harass me on my own blog while blocking out my answers.

Thats a troll for you.

Halo @hunnybadger.. Welcome di Steemit! Senang anda datang.. telah upvote yah.. 😏

Such kind words. Do you have hardcore evidence to back up your claims?

I mean real evidence and not the inflated stories and faked videos from trolls.

Hmmm... Curious to what evidence I have just verifies my claims are truths. You have badgered donations from viewers by claiming destitution even when the donator was in very much worse shape than yourself. You suffer from TERMINAL LAZY MOFO and feel entitled to others work and money.

Well, isnt that interesting. How do you get your information?

Because you dont get "evicted" from a mortgage, especially when you made all your payments.

Run along troll.

you really like to make yourself look totally retarded dont you?my info came from your own lying,scamming said you were being evicted from pine bush.and for the last time,a land contract is not a got evicted from a land contract. end of story but not you. your stories keep changing to fit your agenda.

You cannot be "evicted" from a mortgage when you are paying the bills on time.

We never missed a payment until AFTER we left the land for good.

Again, you are lying... (as usual)... none of the trolls "ran you off" from New York... How about to tell the truth for once... Unless you are claiming that your sister and mom are lying? Which is it?