in #youtube7 years ago

Well today like​ many other people​ in the​ world, I got the email from YouTube telling me in a very nice way that my channel sucked as I don't have enough viewers​ and subscribers to warrant​ them giving me advertising revenue anymore​.


Now, I can understand that they want the big guys out there to provide them with a good​ platform that will keep bringing in millions of subscribers views, but they have to take on board that it's the​ smaller guys who make these last YouTube channels popular, and I think you may now see a backlash happening to some channels as a way of protesting to YouTube.

I don't earn a lot per month, but every quarter I get enough to buy in some other small items that I can review and put on my channel, and that way I try and keep people​ entertained as best that I can (and as an old fart that can be difficult).

Steemit must surely start getting more people​ coming on board after today, as this kick in the teeth really is the​ last straw for me now... so in fairness, I will just keep using YouTube and their bandwidth to host my videos, but post everything and promote everything via and from STEEMIT from now on.

Maybe this is the kick we all need to open our eyes to​ what we can make STEEMIT become? Lets ALL show YouTube that we are not going to take their nonsense without giving them some major payback for the way they have treated the smaller YouTube community.

Onwards with STEEMIT and DOWN WITH YOUTUBE!!!!!


You want to know who is to blame for this change? Logan Paul. he is the reason YouTube did this. YouTube loves to punish the small guys like that's going to do anything

If there was blame, you might have to look at Pewdiepie as he was the main reason the advertiser's​ all​ started to complain after the press decided that he was promoting the Nazi's and they kept harping on about how some adverts appeared on his channel while a movie of Hitler's​ speech​ was on... all utter nonsense​, but from then on it's been a case of attacking the smaller channels​ that go against the political grain of YouTube. Channels like​ mine are not a threat to anyone, but I get punished​ so that the ones who created the problem can earn more advertising revenue. The Logan Paul incident was just the final excuse that YouTube could​ use to hammer everyone and finally allow it to do what it wants... get rid of the bottom feeders and only pay the people who live and breathe YouTube 7 days a week.

Pewdiepie was the cause of the 10K rule YouTube made back in April. Instead of making hefty requirements to monetize how come YouTube doesn't just review the video before its published. That will make sense rather than punish and kill off small YouTubers

I honestly could not agree more, but we all know that the reason they done it was the little guys are taking some advertising away from the bigger channels, and in turn they feel they are not giving as good a promotion to advertisers... I would disagree with this as I ignore the adverting from all the larger channels, and tend to watch and replay them on smaller YouTube channels to help them out.

Sorry for the bad news. That's what their goal was for a long time. They are trying to create their own assets.
Since there are platforms like dtube and else they might be playing the wrong hand right now. Time will tell, in the mean time one or two big guys from youtube, even just for some attention or really cared for others comes here then youtube gonna lose big time.

I am contacting some of the larger people​ on YouTube and asking them to take some time out to show some sort of solidarity in the​ smaller channels user anger. It's us who watch the larger YouTubers, and it's ​us that can stop following them and start dropping their revenue, but the​ bottom line is that I know they don't give a damn​ as long as THEY ARE OK and they don't really give a damn​ about anyone other than themselves. I feel its long overdue for YouTube to be given a taste of its own medicine, and I hope that everyone​ on STEEMIT can start to join forces and make a massive push to bring people​ away from the dark side​ and into the light!

Well if company running a policie like that, those larger ones are next. If they can't see it let them fade away.
I'm around for about a month now and I mostly saw many developers around, they are great at their jobs but it's not enough to get heard around world. Soon enough there will great creative minds that will make great impact on www, make steem heard.

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YouTube's policies have become very crazy

I am in exactly the same position, and I think we will see more YouTubers move to the platform. To be honest I think Steemit offers a far batter platform to present your videos - using still shots or gif clips along with a commentary you can make a substantial post out of your initial video that will appeal to a wider audience.

I fully agree with you ​c0ff33a that Small YouTubers will soon switch platform, but I also think that many of them should​ also think of removing their subscription from larger channels and just visit them from a link instead, then that way it will make changes to their subscriber​ level and maybe start hitting YouTubes advertising side. It's disgusting the way that they have just hammered the smaller users from earning a few pounds every month so that the ones earning thousands, can earn even more.