List of My Favorite Youtubers

in #youtube8 years ago

Hello Steemians. Today I thought I'd share with you guys and gals a list of my personal favorite YouTubers! Watching these YouTubers and people like them played a huge role in what ultimately got me to Steemit in the first place as most of them have really opened my eyes around how much censorship is actually taking place in the world and across the news and social media! While they are all very different in how they communicate with their audience, each one of them and their voices resonate within me. Some of you may be familiar with some or all of them. That is ok though, I will list them, link to their YouTube channel, and write a little blurb about them and why I like them!


First and foremost is Bearing, a self-proclaimed vulgar cartoon bear (seriously, NSFW) that can be found within the realms of YouTube really pissing the mess out of crazy 3rd wave feminists and SJW's alike. Definitely taking the humorous approach Bearing spends his days tracking down the most outrageous viral video of feminists gone mad and typically does a response video to mock them. While I take no pleasure in seeing this (just kidding, it gives me great pleasure) I live vicariously through him because it's not my style to mock people I disagree with. Sure it's great for entertainment purposes but not for effective communication and argument.
Bearing's YouTube Channel

Blaire White

Blaire White is one of my favorite YouTubers because she has brought normalcy back to the transgender debate. Being a transgender female she speaks out against and provides argument for how the transgender lobby is actually hurting transgender people by making them a liability in the workplace. This argument, which makes total sense, can actually hinder trans people as employees and customers through the enactment of transgender pronoun laws and the repercussions of people who may misgender them even by accident which can cost businesses thousands of dollars. You can read about some of the lunacy here. Blaire talks about how even being transgender herself, that being trans is not normal and it shouldn't be pushed as though it is. She also speaks of the narcissism one must have to expect a change in language from mass society in order to appease a very select few. She seems to understand the truth which is that most people are not bigots and that if you are reasonable with your requests people are generally happy to comply. Oh yeah, and if you present yourself the way you claim to identify then you will not have too many issues navigating through life. I mean seriously, do you think she has any trouble using the women's bathroom for heavens sake. Of course not.
Blaire White's YouTube Channel

Some Black Guy

Some Black Guy is a fairly new YouTuber. I think he's only had his channel since March or so but he has been gaining quite a bit of traction over the last few months. I really like him because while his views are very similar to mine in terms of anti-SJW and anti-feminism, he is very moderate in his talks. He speaks out against the craziness but also gives that voice of reason, understanding, and benefit of the doubt to the other side of the argument. In my opinion he would be the best non-bias moderator of a healthy debate. He comes from a place of the average person in terms of not speaking too strongly against his opposition. I think he will be around for a while and I continue to enjoy watching his videos as he finds more footing in the YouTube community.
Some Black Guy's YouTube Channel


I know, I know everyone is saying WTF? Where did this one come from? Allow me to explain. I know this one seems odd being Mr SJW himself but I feel like I must give credit where credit is due. He is very successful and I watched him frequently before I found the gem of YouTubers who poke fun at him and those like him. While I highly disagree with his politics and want to throw my remote at the screen when he goes on his rants I still find him very funny. I can laugh with him while simultaneously throwing him the virtual finger. (Just kidding, I don't do that). I can appreciate humor when I see it and since I'm not one to be too butthurt about arguments I don't agree with I can in good conscious list him as one of my favorites. Also, it is good to break free from the echo chamber occasionally. I know both sides claim not to when in reality both sides actually do.
Onision's YouTube Channel

I will include a few honorable mentions of YouTubers that I also really love but just didn't include in the list due to time constraints and or similarities with others mentioned. They are
Computing Forever
Doctor Randomercam
That Guy T

Go check out their channels and show them some love!

What do you guys think about these YouTubers. Do you agree or disagree with list? If so why? Who are some of your favorite YouTubers and why?

If you enjoyed this piece, upvote and follow me @jennane :D


Where's Molyneux!? I love Bearing, and his girlfriend SugarTits.

Yes of course. I like Molyneux too. Had to do a quick search because I didn't recognize the name at first. SugarTits is Ok. I've watched a few of her videos but in my opinion they are too long and tend to go off point a lot. She just doesn't captivate me the way bearing does I suppose. Do you suggest a specific one by her?

Molyneaux is one of my favorites.