The Guide to Youtube Success - HERE WE GO!

in #youtube3 years ago

YouTube Success Guide (TITLE).png


This section will give you a short overview of how to use YouTube to your advantage.
From registration to video uploading much more, you'll find all the answers to your most pressing concerns in this straightforward and user-friendly area.

REGISTRATION allows you to freely watch video clips.

However, if you want to be an active part of the community, you must first register. This is a simple task.
If you have even a rudimentary understanding of the Internet, registration with will be a breeze.
To get started, go to's primary sign up page.

REGISTRATION IS SIMPLE, just enter your user name, set up a password,

give your e-mail address, as well as other personal information that the site requires.
Your phone number, country of residence, gender, date of birth, and a confirmation number issued by YouTube are among them.

Are you concerned about your privacy?
Don’t. has a comprehensive privacy policy that you can find in the bottom navigation bar.

REMEMBER, here are the benefits of registering:

*You get to watch millions of videos presented by
*people throughout the world.
*You can set up your section so you can share home
videos with family members and friends that may live
*faraway. You can connect with people around the
world that share common interests, likes and dislikes.
*You can have fun.
*Any entrepreneur, marketer, or small company owner would appreciate the ability to publish and promote their films to a worldwide audience.

GETTING Your Video Featured
It's time to start producing movies now that you've registered.

One of the first questions people ask is how they can have their films published.Everyone wants to be the centre of attention. The actual secret to having your films published is a combination of ingenuity and chance. On YouTube, users may rank the videos they enjoy. As with any review system, if people enjoy what you're showing, they'll give your films a higher rating, and your videos are more likely to be highlighted.

Popular videos can be seen in a highlighted area on

USING TestTube
Some people, especially YouTube users, are charitable enough to want to provide comments and help improve any site they visit.

Officials from the site demonstrate their newest features and solicit input from consumers so that they may improve their products and services. You'll be able to "test-drive" new features or programmes before they go live on YouTube.

There are various methods to express oneself and be recognised on YouTube other than producing a fantastic video.

Unfortunately, YouTube does not allow registered users to post personal avatars, or tiny photos of themselves.
However, you may establish a brand just by utilising your video camera.
If you like, you may include an intro film and a brief bio of yourself.

Otherwise, make full use of your imagination to help brand your company, products, or services.
If you devote enough time and effort to making your films, you can even trademark your message!

MAKING Your First Video
Because YouTube is such a new concept, many individuals are still unsure "how" to go about producing a fantastic video.

First and foremost, you'll require the necessary equipment.
A digital camera, a mobile phone (assuming it shoots video images), or a conventional camcorder may all be used to create a video.Simply take a 10-minute segment of your video and record it.Then, just like any other digital photo, download the movie to your computer.You may then post your videos to YouTube.
You may modify your videos before uploading them if you want to stand out. Windows Moviemaker is one such example.

Software programmes are popular, in part because they allow you to add subtitles to your videos, include special effects, zoom in and out, and employ a variety of other functions.
Let's look at how to optimise your video for YouTube because it's critical if you want to draw attention.


If you want to stand out from the crowd, you must optimise your films. You don't need high-tech equipment to create a fantastic video. Learn how to make captivating and fascinating videos for your YouTube audience by following the guidelines below.

Remember that YouTube allows even the most inexperienced users to produce and publish videos with ease.

MAKING Videos With Your Camcorder
You probably already know how to operate a digital or analogue camcorder if you have one.
Using a digital camcorder makes it easier to upload videos to YouTube.
It's as simple as shooting your video, downloading it, and uploading it to YouTube.

If you have an analogue video recorder, such as one that records on old VHS tapes, you'll almost certainly need to use a converter box to convert your video to digital format, which you may then post to YouTube. It's time to polish your video after it's been uploaded. You may certainly leave it as is, but keep in mind that even a tiny quantity of You are more likely to draw a wider audience if you spend time graphically enhancing your video.
So, here's how you go about it.

To begin, ensure that you have access to video editing software.
On the internet, you may get something for a low price. Windows MovieMaker is one of the most widely used programmes.

Upload your video to the programme after you have the appropriate software.
After that, you may modify your video as much as you like. Try storing numerous versions and testing them with users to discover which ones they like.

It's now up to you to make your video stand out from the crowd.
Use unusual effects like fade ins or intriguing colour palettes. To make your movie more interesting, try adding titles or even chapters.In the background, play some music.All of these minor changes will encourage more people to watch and comment on your video.

Go to and look at their "featured videos" area if you're not sure what makes a good video.

Discover what makes these videos so unique. Is the material offensive?
Is there a variety of special effects used by the author?
Are there any subtitles or category titles?
Make a list of what you enjoy and what you don't like.This will aid you in coming up with new ways to improve your own video.


YouTube, like the rest of Web 2.0, offers a variety of cost-effective options to promote your website.
That's only one aspect of YouTubing. It's also one of the most entertaining methods to promote your site.
There's music, video, creativity, and marketing, to name a few things.Isn't this a fantastic combination?

YouTubing isn't going to help you sell your stuff.What it can do, on the other hand, is pique people's interest in your services.
How? Let's take a closer look.

This should be your first step if you're new to YouTube.It's an incredible world out there.Plunge in and have a look around.Take a look at the videos that others have created.Some of your favourite music videos, movie sequences, vintage films, personal videos, documentaries, and, of course, a plethora of marketing videos may be found here.
Make a note of anything that pertains to your niche. When creating your own film, you'll need to think of something unique to set yourself apart from the competition.

CREATE a video
You've come to accomplish this.Get your camcorder, digital camera, webcam, or mobile phone out and start recording.
You will not get it right the first time, just like anything else.Remember that you're not alone if looking at your first video makes you want to pull your hair out.In theory, creating a video is considerably easier than doing it in fact.
You'll get better at it after some practise.Which gets me to my next point: you can't win it all with just one video.
Start working on the second and third videos once you've uploaded your first.Yes, it is difficult, but it is far less difficult than some of the other marketing strategies. This will also allow you to experiment with a number of approaches.
Some may fail horribly, while others may enjoy widespread popularity and evolve into a lucrative viral distribution.

SPARE a thought for the viewers
Although YouTube is free, viewership must be earned.
So here's some modest advise.
Do not create videos that take an eternity to load.

People are preoccupied with other issues.And a site like YouTube provides a plethora of options for them to choose from.According to a research on video-sharing platforms, a video performs best when it is less than 5 minutes long.
So, even if YouTube permits you a maximum of 10 minutes, restrict it to no more than 5 minutes.Before you upload your video, be sure the file type is supported.
YouTube accepts the following file types:.WMV,.AVI,.MOV, and.MPG.

I'll repeat it again and again: YouTube is not your marketing material. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE YOUR PRODUCT ON YOUTUBE.Use it wisely to pique people's attention.You can sell anything you want once they start coming to your website. They'll turn the other way the moment you start boring them with 'Buy Me' messages. The greatest method is to create something interesting that the spectator will want to watch. When you have six interesting films about anything, the audience will undoubtedly want to learn more about you. That is when your marketing campaign will commence.

You've created a fantastic video, and it's garnering a lot of attention. All of this will be for naught if it does not result in increased visitors to your website. So include that crucial URL with your video. You may include one before and one after the video. Also, add your URL to your YouTube profile.

Who said you have to make your own movies to get traffic?
If you don't want to spend time making a video, approach a well-known YouTube user.Make a payment to them in exchange for showing your link in their movies. That's motivation for them to create engaging videos and a marketing platform for you without having to work too much.

PUT up a video on your social networking profile
This may not appear to be significant at first, but it will undoubtedly help you gain popularity. Put up a slew of popular YouTube videos on your other social networking pages. Digg,, Orkut, and Reddit are a few instances.
This will make your profile more appealing and assist you in making new contacts.

Begin by visiting their YouTube accounts if you want others to visit yours. Browse through videos and leave comments on them. Don't bother spamming their profiles. Make genuine comments and try to start a conversation.

If you've submitted your own video, ask your friends and family to watch it and rate it. Nothing works better than a five-star rating. Request that they contribute a few solid points as well. The most common blunder is assuming that uploading a video is the end of the process.

To get your video noticeable, you will need to promote it extensively.

This is by far the most apparent concept. Use relevant and acceptable tags for your video. You don't want someone who is seeking for anything comparable to miss out on your video. What you've read thus far are just a few suggestions for driving traffic to your YouTube profile, and consequently to your website.

You'll discover more as you go. As you observe other users, you'll notice a few unusual strategies. The bottom line is to be inventive, perceptive, and clever.

As you can see, YouTube is making life a lot more interesting.
It is now simpler than ever to use YouTube for pleasure, as a promotional tool, or to learn more about a subject you are interested in.

You don't have to be a computer genius to figure out how to leverage YouTube to your advantage.
Indeed, YouTube gives thorough tutorials for all of its capabilities, including the sophisticated features available on its website.