Welcome to The #Intangibl3 Life Steemers

in #youtube9 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! I'm Jon

And I come here from across the world wide web to to this "land" that I've heard is flowing with actual liberty and freedom of thought! Or was it milk and honey... Hopefully not because that would ruin my computer! That was a terrible joke...

I enjoy long walks on the beach and a nice warm fire... Wait a minute. Wrong platform. haha

Seriously though, I came across a video by @lukewearechange which was all about this wonderful website and I just had to check it out. It seems legit and, well, awesome.

I am a small YouTuber and I have been a recipient of mainstream social media's suppression efforts. Several of my videos have been demonetized due to their subject matter (ISIS, Islam, Racism, China/Minecraft...) and I think it's a load of shit.

Anyway, here's my channel trailer:

My channel is growing slowly and I'm happy about that. I'm happy that people are enjoying the things that I make... Here is my most viewed video (most viewed by far haha):

Anyway, I'm planning on becoming a permanent presence here on Steemit.com so you may as well get used to me! :)

And if you feel so inclined, check out my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/theintangiblelife7
and/or my Website: http://www.intangibl3.org.

Over on my website you'll find my blog, both of my YouTube channels, links to my Twitter, Facebook, and Vine, and a link to my merchandise!

Thanks for stopping in!


nice introuction. Followed. Follow me back 😘