EVERY YouTube User NEEDS to Watch This Video & Contact YouTube!
The issue here is NOT my channel. It's all about the BIGGER picture. Selective censorship is a MAJOR problem that can backfire in some pretty NASTY ways!
I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing and commenting. And, if you want, Upvote and It's MUCH appreciated! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" content. Peace!
YouTube has gone down hill since they started de-monetizing people last year.
Yeah, then the content value went down, and now, they started censoring a lot of content so its all bad now. Whats the deal with elejas comments.. Censorship? lol
It no longer shows eleja's(previously blacked out) comments as response to "aaliyahholt", it shows it at the bottom of the page now. Which now makes my comment look stupid :/ I have screen shots of this if anyone missed it and if anyone is interested.. Has censorship truly reached steemit in some shape or form? this isn't the first inconsistency Iv'e noticed.
Thanks for this, I also made a video on this
thanks for this useful info
I like it
Thanks Brian for leading me here to Steemit! This is an exciting time!
You Tube is on pure BS. There should be heavy penalties for them when they purposely screw up and block people's account .
Upvoted, re$teemed & following!
I'll recommend you start referring your audience to your d.tube or bitchute.com channel. I'll strongly recommend you set up one of these as your backup channel, instead of setting up supposed backup channel with youtube, is like having your lifeboat tied to a sinking ship. It's about time we all say farewell to youtube.
We can complain all we want, till we put into action our grievance, and migrate away from the perverse youtube, we shall keep empowering them to treat us they way they do right now.