my youtube/ vine strategy (or lack of strategy.)

in #youtube8 years ago

I’ve never been a very strategic person. I always just let chips fall where they will. I want to manifest a business partner that has those kind of qualities. Or maybe a wife?;) I keep forgetting to put in tags in my blogs. I literally just published something and than I was like, “Oh yeah! I forgot to tag it!” But instead of going back and doing it I’m on to the next! I used to make tons of youtube videos. I didn’t hardly tag anything. I’d just upload it. I didn’t have the patience! I don’t want to say I have A.D.D. because that’s too Cliche.

That’s why Vine is kind of perfect for me. I get an idea and just do it. I have like almost 800 vine videos I’ve done in a couple months. I’ve gotten rid of a few hundred of them. A comedian friend of mine told me I should do less, that it’s all about “quality over quantity.” But he’s more famous than me! If I just do a few things nobody is going to see it. That’s my other thing. I put out a lot of content. I write a lot of songs. I’m lazy in a lot of ways, but not with writing. I sometimes don’t devote myself to my craft enough because I get nervous about paying the bills. I need to get better at monetization. I have creeping bills that I can no longer ignore. Besides rent a have a monthly car payment and insurance and student loans building up. Makes it harder to be an artist. That’s why I wish I could figure out a way to make a living online.
I’m motivated to get the fail on! Time to do some gigs, get some heckles. Go to some interviews, get some rejections. Ask some girls out, get some no’s. Bring it on! Better than not trying at all, right? A family member says I should give up music as a career! Ok but I won’t stop writing songs. What will I do for money? Well, Uber sucks. Time to go back to school.

So here I am, 40 years old as of a few days ago. No longer a youngster, but still wanting the same things. I need to figure my shit out! I’m interested in too many things! I’m told to just focus one thing. My friend Burpo, when I was 25, said,”Come on, you need to get serious. You don’t want to be 40 and in the same boat.” Well, here I am. Now my brother is saying the same thing but about 50. I’m worried. Will I fall into the same traps over and over again?

I’m gonna change my habits now and forever. No more sleeping in. Running every day. Taking care of business. You guys want to join me on my journey? I don’t actually think I’m gonna be a superhero anymore. I just want to live in a way that’s exciting and working towards realistic goals. Am I settling? A little bit! I want stability. But not boredom. So many contradictions in life.

Self improvement is where it’s at. You can’t call it cheesy. It’s what we want, to better ourselves. To move up, even if it’s slowly.