RE: radiator-0.3.4
Wooo me and @vannfrik know whats up! yeah man u and fyrst are the steemit power devs! The Steemit master race! the steemit special ops forces!
yeah man I am grateful for what Ive learned just from listening to you
People like you convince us to buy more Steempower and believe in the power and potential of steemit. We need more Inertia clones maybe he will have a few clones one day (or mind upload clone, simulations of inertia simulated within the EOS network) and @inertia will have to be called Inertia prime and his Mindupload clones will exist in server racks, but the inertia clone swill have the skills and abilities of Inertia Prime who will direct them all to do work he couldn't do as fast as they can and Inertia will have so much funding from the profits of these projects that he will be able to afford the massive amounts of computing power to process his mind clones that wil run and perform tasks for him , so by running enough of these emulated humans to do most all of his leg work, Inertia prime will be able to just sit there and think up Ideas all day long!