I Just Dove Right Into YOURS.org
Check Out My First Post On YOURS.ORG
The Takeover Continues...

Don't forget to check out the rest of our production team...@bycompoundfilms, @steemitafterdark, @brownhogg, @comediantrump, @mrwang, @carloscaz, @steemitafterdark @bettystunner, @glam1on1
follow our blogs, subscribe to our youtube channels and leave any creative comments and feedback, in the comments section below.
You can find me on discord MrWang#0486 and steemit.chat @MrWang

WangChange On Openledger

Social Media Links:
Wallace Carranza Personal Facebook:
https://Facebook.com/wcarranzajr (please send me a message with your friend request, stating who you are.. I get too many request in my line of work)Facebook Fan Page - https://Facebook.com/notbabywally
Twitter - @wallacecarranza
Instagram - @lilwallay
youtube - Wallace Carranza on Youtube
and of course mrwang profiles:
- Twitter: "steemingmrwang"
- youtube: "mrwangonsteemit"
Glad to see you trying it out. I remember listening to its founder on a podcast. I don't feel the concept has a lot of strength behind it at this point. But, I appreciate that you're willing to throw a lot of stuff at the wall to see what sticks.
I like Yours, but it's in its infancy really. I think they're trying to avoid a lot of the things that caused problems on Steemit. Upvoted and followed.
thanks.. yea, it's very new and there's a ton of work needed.
o yea, that's what everyone should do.. keep looking for a platform that helps you achieve your goals and never put all your eggs in one basket.. just saying
up voted and followed, reesteemed!
Can u kindly check out my previous post
Kindly up vote and reesteem if you like it.thanks