This is a window of an abandoned warehouse of once very successful fruit juice factory in a small town at the South of Serbia. It hasn't been abandoned for a long time, but the elements did their job… sad sight, but I would say fit for the excellent
YourCityVibez contest hosted by
@timsaid and
Ово је прозор напуштеног складишта некад веома успешне фабрике воћних сокова у градићу на југу Србије. Није било дуго напуштено, али временске прилике су учиниле своје… тужан призор, и као такав, рекао бих погодан за одличан
YourCityVibez конкурс који воде
@timsaid и
Full Resolution/Пуна резолуција 1704×2248,
Nikon CoolPix E4500, ISO100, 110mm, 1/60 sec, f4.1
Super slicica
Велико хвала, @prokleta.jerina.
Wow just wow!!! <3
Thank you very much @yusaymon.
Excellent shot, @lighteye! Good luck with the challenge 😉
Thanks @irreverent-dan.
Thanks @pixresteemer.
Pleasure mine!
A perfect window indeed. I love how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Gratefully we both hold this moment of history in high regard. Thank you for sharing @lighteye.
Thank you @everlove.