Commando's Best Kept Secrets for Covid-19: Yogic Techniques to Develop Lungs of Steel

in #yogaposturesforcovid-193 years ago (edited)


As a martial arts student, I had the opportunity to train with some of the ferocious Indian Army Commandoes. In a recent workshop, they walked me through some best ways to develop powerful and conditioned lungs -- as tough as steel which can withstand Covid-19.


Me: "You are bragging?" I said
Commando (Name Masked): "No, I am not," his smile was solid proof that he was not kidding either.
Commando (Name Masked): "Let me illustrate this with an example. Punch me anywhere in the core," He took a deep breath to fill air into his lungs and stood firmly.

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I punched him with full force and it just felt like punching a rock. Then he shared some common ways to condition lungs which can defy Covid like pandemic. I am sharing those yoga exercises in this blog:


Anulom Vilom (controlled breathing): closing one nostril closed while breathing in and holding the other nostril closed while breathing out. The process is repeated several times.

Benefits: Improved breathing, blood circulation, and stress reduction

Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellows): Rapid inhalation and exhalation gives an energy boost to the entire.

Benefits: Improves flow of air in the entire body

**Sukhasana (Cross-legged Sitting Pose): **Hold the left wrist with the right hand behind the back. Take a deep breath to pull your shoulder and pump the chest. Breathe out to bend forward. try touching your right forehead with the right knee. Repeat this process on the left side.

Benefits: Treats cough, cold, and other lung anomalies

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Lie down on your stomach with both hands on either side of your shoulders. Use your palms to lift your body till the torso and stretch your back muscles while taking a deep breath. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. exhale to return to normal position.

Benefits: Strengthens chest and lungs muscles and calms the mind

Matsya Asana (Fish Pose): Lie down on your back while folding arms beneath the body. Inhale while raising your head and chest up. Exhale and place the crown of the head on the ground for arching the back. Use elbows to maintain balance. Breath in and breath out in this position.

Benefits: Flexes and strengthens muscles

Padma Sarvangasana (Lotus Shoulder Stand): Take support to perform a headstand. Place your left ankle on the right thigh and right ankle on the left. Use your hands to support the back. Hold your breath for some time in this position. lower your body after some time.

Benefits: Expands the chest for smoother passage of air

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist): Sit straight, stretch your legs out and join your feet together. Keep the heel of the right foot beside the left hip. Place the left leg over the right knee. Keep the right hand on left foot. Take the left-hand behind. Breath in and breath out while looking over the left side shoulder. Repeat the process on the other side

*Benefits: Frees from breathing difficulties

Covid-19 is taking bad to worse forms. Its strains are mutating at every turn to take more powerful forms and outmode vaccines. The symptoms of each Covid-19 strain are different, however, they all produce a common effect -- they rupture air walls and linings of the human lungs. Severe shortage of ventilators, PPE kits, and life saving drugs is expected in the coming days.
Only, people with powerful lungs can get out from the pandemic unscathed. By practicing the aforementioned yoga techniques on daily basis people can develop lungs strong enough to withstand the covid storm.

**###### Send me a message and I will send you a free guide to internalize these yogic practices in your lifestyle.