Learn how to heal yourself and others with FREE Reiki Attunements
Learn Usui Reiki & Advanced Usui Reiki Free!
We are delighted to offer you these Usui Reiki & Advanced Usui Reiki healing systems
in the hope that they will help to bring more love, light & healing into your life!
These practices are very easy to learn and will help you connect with a range of 'Higher Consciousness' to help in bringing more health & balance to your energy system.
Our free Reiki courses cover everything that you would normally cover in a live workshop
or class format and will include all the basic theoretical information as well as the all important practical aspects of Reiki. You will also receive all attunements as well
as a very comprehensive set of manuals & video tutorials to help explain everything
you need to know at each step of the way!
Usui Reiki is a healing system which is now practiced by millions of practitioners globally and we are very happy to be able to offer these healing energies here to you freely and with love! In addition to this, we are also now able to offer you the very expansive & deeply transformational energies of the Advanced Usui Reiki healing system.
The Advanced Usui Reiki healing system has been received from a series of 'Higher Consciousness'. It has been developed, blessed and endorsed by both Dr Mikao Usui & Hawayo Takata and therefore offers a genuine extension to the Usui Reiki system.
Love Inspiration is honoured to be able to share these Advanced Usui Reiki energies
here in the hope that they will help you to find more love, light & joy in your life!
To request free attunement visit-->> http://www.loveinspiration.org.nz/
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