Pet Peeve: Yoga Haters

in #yoga7 years ago (edited)


Some of the people in one of my long-ago homeschool groups used to look for any opportunity to criticize anything that was not 100% Catholic.

Take yoga, for instance. Once someone sent an e-mail about yoga being good for staying calm. One of the group’s “elders” immediately shot back an e-mail about yoga not being good for Catholics to do because it has “sexual positions.”

Yeah, like us Catholics know nothing about sexual positions. I get that you might not want to do yoga in front of a room full of dudes if you are a married woman. Cool. So don't. Do it in the privacy of your own home or in a room full of women who are in various states of healthiness and unhealthiness. Support each other.

We would certainly be corrupted by a yoga video. And our faith would crumble like a cookie if we did some light stretching and focused on our breathing and thought happy thoughts and called it yoga.

Some people really need to go volunteer at a cancer center or a homeless shelter and get outside their little world.