Durgaadvaatrinshannaamamaalaa, die 32 Namen Durga´s, oder: Durga PathsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #yoga7 years ago (edited)

Durgaadvaatrinshannaamamaalaa / Durga Path

Om Durga,Sie, der man sich nur schwer nähern kann;
durga tisha manee,die auch in schmerzlichen Umständen ruhig ist;
durga padvinivaarini,die ungünstige Ereignisse abwehrt;
durga machchhedinii,die unteilbar ist;
durga saahinii,die vollendet ist, vollkommen;
durga naashinii,die einen Dämon zerstört hat;
durga tod dhaarinii,die das Universum erschafft;
durga nihantri,die Zerstörerin;
durga mapahaa,diejenige, die zerstört;
durga ma gyaanada,die Wissen vermittelt;
durga daityaloka davaanalaa,die den Wohnsitz der Dämonen verbrennt;
durga maa,sie ist Mutter Durga;
durga ma lokaa,sie ist voller Pracht, Glanz;
durga maatma svaroopinii,sie ist die eigene Form des Geistes;
durga maarga pradaa,die Kenntnis von dem spirituellen Weg vermittelt;
durga ma vidyaa,sie ist das personifizierte Wissen;
durga maashritaa,die als Zufluchtsort gesucht wird;
durga ma gyana samsthaanaa,sie ist der Aufenthaltsort des Wissens;
durga ma dhyaana bhaasinii,sie ist das glänzende Licht der Meditation;
durga mohaa,sie ist der Vortäuscher (deluder) des Geistes;
durga magaa,die schwer zu erreichen ist;
durga maartha svaroopinii,sie ist die Form von Reichtum oder Sinn;
durga ma surasamhantri,sie ist der Zerstörer der Dämonen;
durga ma yudha dahaarini,die, die mächtige Waffen besitzt;
durga maangi,sie hat mächtige Glieder;
durga mataa,sie ist der Zustand der Unerreichbarkeit;
durgam yaa,die unerreichbar ist, unzugänglich;
durga meshwarii,sie ist die göttliche Herrschaft;
durga bhimaa,sie ist furchtbar;
durga bhamaa,sie ist sehr wütend;
durga bhaa,sie, die glänzend glänzt;
durga dharinii.die den Schleier der Unwissenheit zerreißt.

Om shanti shanti shanti


Hi blueperegrina, Did you find the link I posted of the priestess vow, as a comment to your comment on my post? Love Clara

Hi Clara,
yes I did, thank you for sharing. I, by myself have difficulties to follow the meaning, acctually. I am pretty much with the acient teachings of India, and I do not know how to integrate the womb-priestess in this. To me it seems to be a totaly different concept. What do you think?

Oh, ok I understand. No to me they are very related. I am also strongly rooted in the ancient teachings of India, but feel they also originate from the power of creation of the cosmic womb and the blueprint we have of that in our female bodies. The gnostic teachings in the west that relate to that same principle often even have ancient ties to India. Like Jesus has studied in India also and I believe he was Married to Mary of Magdalene who studied in Egypt with the priestesses of Isis for example. You have (female) Khandro's in Buddhism that have attained enlightenment through their wombs. It is even said Buddha became enlightened with the help of a woman and her womb. All teachings of the sacred feminine come down to the same essentials I think. The power of the womb and our surrender and receptivity.

"All teachings of the sacred feminine come down to the same essentials I think."

yes, I totally agree. I just simply can´t bring it together right now. I mean, what does it mean, to find enlightment through the womb. Practically, how is it related to me? Has surrender and receptivity something to do with the womb? Perhaps it has something to do with grounding the devine? I think, I need grounding for my inner priestess first, before giving birth to something anything.

Interesting! Yes grounding is definitely a prerequisite to manifest anything.Surrender and receptivity are to me qualities of our feminine side and are indeed related to our feminine organs that are even shaped to recieve. I find that surrender and receptivity help me with grounding.

I guess, i agree with surrender and receptivity as a feminin and a grounding quality. I am just not so focused on putting it in "gender/organ matters", as i don't see the relevant point about it. For my part, surrender and receptivity are attetudes in which i become better and better, taught by life and faith. It's a process, in which I have agreed to walk many years ago. And i have to agree, still, everytime, when it is time to walk further. I believe, at a certain point, grounding takes place - by grace, at least. It's more likely a Descent, than a Ascent. And the mind wobbles between fear, impatience, disbelieve and, at least, finding trust in the great spirit of the NOW.
So, the question is: what does it matter if it is reflected in our female organs?

I am very grateful for this talk, as I never thought about it before.

Beautiful that you are walking this path of surrender. I also have a question for you: Why wouldn't it matter that receptivity and surrender are reflected in our wombs ( and hara's for men).?

I don´t know, as I had my question about it. It doesn´t matter which way around you are going to formulate it. I don´t know, why it would, or why it wouldn´t matter. It´s just like it is.
I just had a look at the website, as you told me, but it doesn´t tell me anything, nor does it touch me. So, i think it´s not for me, thats all. It says:
"If you feel CALLED to live and embody these words, then Womb Awakening is the path for you" - well, I do a lot what is named in this "vow", but I don´t feel called. I also do not feel the need to bring it down to the womb. I also do not make "vowes" as we know already, that "vows" can be troublemaker in the future, or, even confusing next life.

So, better you tell me why, or why not, should it matter that receptivity and surrender are reflected in our wombs?

Das war Alex, mit dem 35% Upvote!
Da ich ja weiß, dass du für 100% Votes bist, würde ich das nie tun. 😘

Das zählt nicht. Mußt auch Verantwortung übernehmen, wenn du deine Votes abgibst. Kannst ja meine Kommentare upvoten, damit du wieder auf 100% kommst. :-)

Genau auf so´n Kommentar habe ich gehofft. Chapeau! 😎

Dankeschön! Jetzt bist du wieder mein Lieblingsvoter! Ich hoffe, im Norden alles klar?

Ja, wir sind so glücklich mit unserem Cosmo.

Das glaub ich! Der passt zu dir, sieht dir irgendwie sogar ähnlich. Echt süß, der Kleine! :-)

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