
in #yes6 years ago

Long time ago, a boy lived in a village. He was very angry, loses himself on small things and tells people good and bad. Being disturbed by his habit, one day his father gave him a bag full of nails and said, "Now whenever you get angry, you can take one nail from this bag and knock it in the enclosure."On the first day, the boy got angry for forty times and stabbed the nails in the enclosure. But gradually the number of nails began to decrease, it started to feel that it is better to work so hard to resist the nails that control your anger and the next In a few weeks, he learned to control his anger very much. And then one day it came that the boy did not loose his temper once in a day.

When he told this to his father, he again gave him a job, he said, "Now every day on the day you do not get angry, take out a nail from this enclosure."

The boy did the same, and after a long time, the day came when the boy also removed the last nail in the enclosure, and gladly told this thing to his father
Then Father took his hand and took it to the cloak, and said, "Son, you have done a great job, but do you see the holes in the enclosure? Now that barbet can never be as it was before. When you say something in anger, then those words leave deep wounds on the person who is in front of the same person. "

So, before the next time you lose your temper, think about whether you want to throw more nails in that enclosure !!!58484.jpg