Sick My Duck for a life - What fun to experience real change for a change... like yeah!
🤔 Had to change my almost new Bose headphones for Beats Studio... Bose just ain't the quality they say they are 😡 ... Oh and also replaced the sixth china office chair in six years with an Aeron Chair from to avoid butthurtness for the next 12 years.👊

Well, at least that is the length of the warranty. From here on end, I´ll buy Quality from word of mouth instead of crap from companies who have to pay for advertising their shit products.. So I hope you don´t fail me Dr. Dre, I mean. Do NOT fail me Dr. Dre!...! 😎 !... Ok, back to actual work.

Being yourself is the most fun thing, music is a work of art to relieve stress. A great inspiration for us beginners steemit. Hopefully a success that you have we can also achieve one day later. We hope you will help us beginners steemit, be it from input and upvote from you. Thank you very much, regards us from aceh a country at the end of sumatra island. Southeast Asia.
Get some connections, join SteemSpeak Voice at and don´t be shy or try to fit in, stand out - be yourself in high, low and the middle - Welcome to Steemit, we are still betatesting everything ;) you are early. community is full of great people like @fyrstikken @condra @seablue @wishmaiden @mughat and many others
... and @jimjam1210 ;) and hundreds of others ;)
cheers brother thanks for letting me be part of the communuity
my pleasure. push to talk saves me a lot of typing, great to see you are active in there. Is growing and growing week for week.
@fyrstikken thanks my friend you have been great and also very knowlegable It been great to be a part of it
thanks brother
I would love to check it out. Sounds really interesting. Good thing I read comments. Haha
yeahhhhh, you know me for awhile , am in there as u know :P
I love it! :)
Haha. Love the
Okay, here goes. Pretty pretty bird, pretty pretty bird, pretty pretty bird. Geez.....I've got no underwear on
Great stuff, thank you firestick, are you interested in power or at least the dynamics beyond it, check out post: and have a great day in Norwegen. Auf Wiedersehen. Bose rocks by the way, my nr 1 choice at all times.
I bought an Audiotechnica ATH-M40X. Its quite good for 100euros. It has neutral sound at low, mids and even at high.
Please checkout my article on my trip to belgium if you'd like.
I am new to steemit. I would really appreciate your help.
Thank you. Cheers.
Just joined, hope I can fit in :)
The end though hahahahah , i got the exact same chair in my room
Here's a bit of useless information - office chairs can be rated by how many hours someone should sit continuously on them , i remember from my selling office chairs job that we used to call the Aeron the 24 hour chair. It was the Rolls Royce of Office chairs - so feel free to sit in it for as long as you want!
Hehe Thank you for that useless information :D But I completely agree. And I have had the same experience as you, hot damn - I´m 35, and I have wasted enough time on bad products made to not last. Quality over Quantity.
Quality thing - 5-7 years of pleasure, low quality - 1-3 years of shit and inconvenience on a daily basis.
You're in that chair 18 hours a day?
Quote of the day as far as I'm concerned
I need to try out that protip on every post now lol.
Do the beats sound better than the Bose?
Yes, Beats sounds better than Bose.
Hmm... Actually Yes. Beats Studio are really a step up, as a Pink Floyd Fan I have never heard them as good as I have tonight with Beats.... However Beats are so good that I now can pick up almost every single layer of sound just by listening to it while on Bose those layers were more diffuse. I´ll go through my records and listen through them, so far, so excellent.
@frystikken yes get the nighthawks you will love them the floyd will sound amazing let me know will spk to the rep i know him ;)
Have you tried sennheiser hd 800?
I notice more and more people searching for real quality instead of paying for "Marketing Quality". And man hermanmiller chairs are also the top notch chairs in the world. Enjoy your seat!
Thank you @s3rg3 with 17 hours workdays I'm looking forward to it :)
I love your protip! ;-) So, have one from me: I started standing at my office desk in feb -11 and have not sat down since... But(t?) I get to sit in a lot of meetings during the day so it is not too hard!
Hmm, yeah lots of people have said they like their elevated chairs. Got to look for something good in that department in the future. Thanks for reminding me.
Those Aeron chairs are amazing and the cool thing is it comes in 3 sizes to fit you perfectly Good choice !!! and it will last you for years Enjoy the chair did you get the new remastered Aeron?
team beats brooo
There is a good investment! Enjoy!
Thank you @hebro, looking forward to NOT shopping for office-chairs again in a loooong time :)
nice post brother @fyrstikken , check these out for headphones if you like them i can speak to the rep at the company get ya an amazing deal . these are amazing much better then bose & beats you will like these
I agree... They "LOOK" great, but their warranty is only 1 year - .... If you know the guy that sells them, tell him he can ship a pair over to me for free and I´ll give it a real year and a year end review since I already have Bose & Beats I can compare them objectively.
dude dont worry about the warranty im sure you ever have a problem he will sort you out and the discount i will get ya will be huge, we will speak on , trust me you will love them
that is what the wooden shoe salesman in Amsterdam said too... :D
hahah thats funny coz jules the rep is dutch hahahah , on a serious tip dont worry if ya want a pair ill speak to him my friend is a very well known established dj who intro me to jules and jules always looks after us :~)
As innovation becomes dominant in our tech world, new and better products are produced hence why we have to move with time..power up and enjoy the best..Thanks buddy for your post, following you in order to read more...Success
Yep innovation for quality-users, I am all for it, I am also happy to see Apple finally coming out with the iMac PRO, a computer that make sense, been stuck with the 2012 models for way too long, gonna be great being able to work with 5K video without having "the garbage can" next to a bunch of screens. (Actually I skipped the MacPro because it was so quickly outdated) - Gonna Steem hard from now and until Christmas :)
steem on :D
Amen to your comment buddy. You are correct about apple and upgrading to their latest innovative product. Our advantage is that we are making steem and powering up and thus can upgrade our lives. Keep steeming and powering up buddy and looking forward to receiving your next posts...will stay in touch