Islam means "kill" Chapter 3A

in #yathrib7 years ago

Where were we? Oh, yeah, Muhammed and his handful of followers were run out of town (Mecca), because the people who knew him the best told Mo' to his face "you are a charlatan, a plagiarist, and liar"--and it got to the point where Mo' was going to get hurt--so, he escaped Mecca in the middle of the night to the town of Yathrib (later named Medina). Muslims call this "the Hijara" and makes it sound like he was a noble man that the "dummies" of Mecca wouldn't accept. Today, the Hijara is a major Muslim holiday--It's where the word "Haj" came from. But the truth is, Muhammed slithered out of Mecca like a snake. This is when "Islam" became politicized--from prophet to profiteer. He found unemployed Arabs and promised them money, sex, and power. At first, he failed, miserably. Everytime he attacked a caravan he was beat down. NOW, THIS IS IMPORTANT, AND WILL LEAD US TO WW III. The wealthiest people in Yathrib were the Jews, who were blacksmiths mainly, and made the weapons (swords, armor, etc) that would ultimately be their demise. Muhammed , at the time, tried to sell the Jews on Islam--but it didn't work, because the Jews knew their scripture, unlike Muhammed, who made crap up. His hatred was further expanded because the Jews refused to sell him any more "Scripture"--which he used for his own nefarious purposes. The Jews in Yathrib were peaceful, and hard working, yet they never, since the Macabbees, fought back on any issue. Mo' recognized that, and he and his thugs systematically robbed the Jews, stole their homes, and sent them in exile--this paid his "army" and provided them with more weapons and wealth. Terrorism is expensive, and Muhammed knew that his army would flee if there was no "babes and booty" Well, he developed a formula--rob the weak and pay his army--and that's what he did. This was the start of the most bloodiest time in the history of mankind--ISLAM IS SICK, AND CANNOT BE FIXED!-NEXT--Chapter 3B! Aisha.jpgayatollah.jpg